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How do I edit a custom data point I've already added to prospects in the funnel?

How do I edit a custom data point I've already added to prospects in the funnel? (As another aside, I added a drop down "Geo Group" with results like SoCal, NorCal, NorEast... so we could group people for traveling events. However I've now learned every new entry has the first option automatically applied (SoCal) rendering those results useless and my data bad. I now need to go in and add a 'None' option first so that new entries don't get added to SoCal...) I'm surprised a result from the drop down is being automatically added, where all the other custom fields I applied are happy to be blank when a new entry is created. Bit of a bummer.


Can we close and onboard European LPs in a Start Fund

Top answer:

No. Start Fund can not accept European LPs due to the strict general solicitation and licensing requirements. Limited partners in the European Union will be blocked and can not be accepted into Start Funds.

 -  Mike Suprovici

I have added two prospects into the pipeline, they are both from the same organization. how do i convert them into an organization instead of independent lines?

I have two named prospects in my pipeline (Josh and Scott), they are both from the same organization.  I created the organization, and I linked them, but all three are still appearing in teh funnel as three separate entities: the two individuals and the organization.  How do I get them to appear as just the organization? 


How do I outreach on LinkedIn to targeted archetypes?

I am looking for best practices when reaching out to identified archetypes via LinkedIn. What kind of messaging works best, and how do you drive towards a meeting?

Top answer:

You must always secure an warm introduction to each potential-limited partner. Avoid cold emailing limited partners.

 -  Mike Suprovici