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Ask about strategies and tactics for fundraising with a fund, including building momentum, creating pressure, and LP Love. The training leverages proven best practices from fundraising experts with real world guidance from peers


Do you need to communicate the final closing date of your fundraise?

Top answer:

You should avoid communicating a final closing date until you have enough signed LOIs from LPs to proceed, or your fundraising period is expiring as per the terms of your LPA.

 -  Mike Suprovici

For emerging fund managers, at what point do you approach your potential anchor investors?

Top answer:

TL'DR - Never. Anchor investors are no longer common for emerging managers, especially, in Fund 1s, and they are becoming obsolete in general. Anchors are a way of the past. In modern fundraising, emerging managers rarely have an anchor,...


While setting up a capital call in Decile Hub, what are the best practices to include in Notes To LP? Are there any specific things that are a must to include in notes to LP during capital calls?

Top answer:

Anything specific to the details of the call (investments, fund expenses, management fees) that details why you are making the capital call.

 -  Rob Del Prete

What would be good conversion rate assumptions for Content Event to Conversion Event, and then from Conversion Event to a PACT?

1. If you are asking only accredited investors to attend a "Content" event, what is a reasonable assumption that they will then attend a "Conversion" event? 2. How large should your Content event be in order to have enough interest for a Conversion event, in general? 3. How large should your Conversion event be in order to secure at least 1 PACT, in general? 4. What is a targeted attendance for a successful Conversion event?  Don't want it to be too small or too large. Thank you.


Lowering SAFE cap for larger tickets?

What is your advice/reaction to a founder that wants to issue two levels of SAFE notes? Level 1: Minimum Investment: $10,000  Conversion Terms: Convertible to stock in the Series A round at a $20 million pre-money valuation cap.   Level 2: Minimum Investment: $50,000  Conversion Terms: Convertible to stock in the Series A round at a $10 million pre-money valuation cap.

Top answer:

This is not a good approach and will cause 409a valuation issues for the founder. It's also incredibly difficult for them to explain this to future investors. Every investor in this round should come in on the same terms. Then, after the...


How do I get a PACT signed faster?

Top answer:

To achieve quicker PACT signings, it's crucial to implement strategic targeting and streamline the interaction process with potential Limited Partners (LPs). Start by identifying the right LPs based on their investment size: small (Angel...


Venture Partner Carry percentage

A potential Venture Partner, tells me they can help me raise 30% of my target.  I know I cannot give them cash or an earning proportional to the amount they raised. Is a percentage of carry the only compensation option? How much would be a reasonable percentage of the carry for leads to raise 30% of the total fund? Thanks

Top answer:

Venture Partner claims and reality often do not match up to reality. As a result, most Venture Partners are terminated by Managing Partners. So, use the Venture Share agreement and place a six month cliff on the Carried Interest venting....


Does the UAE follow the same types of regulations on solicitation of a venture fund as does the US?

What differences do I as a need to be aware of as a new fund manager based in US, talking to a US person working in the UAE?

Top answer:

You might find this article generally helpful regarding General Solicitation: While we can't speak specifically to the UAE, the answer may be highly dependent on the nature of a relat...


What assurance does an LP have that the GP will not call capital faster than over the promised investment period of 3-4 years?

An propective LP wants some assurance that their commitment will not be called substantially faster than the proposed 3-4 year investment period. What's the best way to address this contractually in the LPA, and in practice?

Top answer:

There is nothing contractually in the LPA that prohibits a GP to call capital as needed and a GP shouldn't make promises or capital call schedules since they have no definite way of knowing how their deal flow and investment needs will b...


What's the ideal way to identify quality connectors within my network?

My experience with connectors is limited, and it's unpredictable to determine which contacts might be good connectors in advance. Those I initially thought could be good connectors sometimes didn't fit the bill. How can I identify who to approach? How do I build a connector archetype?

Top answer:

The best connectors are already 'supporters' of you or your fund or both. As a result, they naturally want to help you on your missions without anticipating something in return. To better help you triangulate on the right archetype, try ...


Is SBIC funding a viable option for venture?

Top answer:

If by funding you're referring to SBIC investing in your fund, then the answer is no. However, it can be an option for your portfolio companies. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

How much should you pay a broker dealer to place funds for their wealth management clients into your fund?

Top answer:

0. Avoid working with broker dealers. They struggle to place LPs in emerging manager funds due to the risk and red tape. In addition, their fees are too expensive for emerging managers with small funds and because they are usually due on...


How to best use LP databases when you can’t generally solicit?

Using them for newsletters, attending targeted conferences, general networking, and cold calls seem like good places to start, but are there any other ideas/strategies/best practices?  Thank you.

Top answer:

Cold emails don't work and should be avoided. What you should do is to work to develop relationships with connectors that can introduce you to LPs first. You can, also attend events and host events as well to build your top of funnel.

 -  Mike Suprovici

When should I share my materials with an LP?

Top answer:

As a result of global general solicitation rules and best practices, a manager should only share materials with a limited partner that they know and are confident meet the local accreditation or wealth standards. Practically speaking, th...


What are effective ways to ask an LP for a PACT?

Top answer:

There are many ways to ask a limited partner for a PACT, ranging from more passive ways to more forward ways. A manager should decide which way to ask which limited partner based where in the process the limited partner is and how the re...


Do you share the fund's current AUM to early LPs when catching up after some time/when asking for LP intros?

Do you share the fund's current AUM to early LPs when catching up after some time/when asking for LP intros?  How do you position it so it's a positive and not a negative?  How do you leverage it to get more LP intros?

Top answer:

You should share how much you have closed, if an LP asks. However, unless you have closed at least 50% of the fund, it's sub-optimal to lead with this type of information because it's unclear if you will reach your target. This is also w...


How do I set my target fund size?

Top answer:

The target fund size should be thought of as the minimal viable fund size to operate. Most new and emerging mangers set fund size targets that are too large, resulting in them under-subscribing and ensuring an extremely difficult time ra...


For GPs who have hosted LP events - have you ever hosted joint events with other GPs who lived in your area? If so, how did they go?

I recently discovered that a few VC Lab cohort members live in the DC area. I am wondering about the effectiveness of planning LP events with other GPs.  What’s more beneficial to GPs and more attractive to LPs - a larger joint event like a happy hour or a smaller, more intimate one like a dinner? Is it good to cross-pollinate potential LPs?

Top answer:

GP - LP events are very effective and are foundational to a succesful fundraising strategy. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your LP events: 1.  Invite LPs that have signed PACTs or have closed 2. Ask the LPs that have signed P...


Can I have a first close of $500k with a target fund size of $4 MM?

WIth a target fund size of $4 MM, should I be aiming for more than $500k in my first close? 

Top answer:

The absolute minimum of a 1st closing needs to be $1m+ or 10% of the fund, whichever is larger. We strongly advise against closing on less then $1m because it will be very difficult to get the fund operational upon the first capital call...


What's the new language for pacts with 'Fill in the Form' - do we include this on the PACT landing page and/or the custom banner when potential LPs are viewing our deck?

Mike had mentioned it this week - 'fill in the form' for PACT signing. Is it better softer language (more inviting) that we're going for to up PACT signing %? I don't think we can edit banner language and have prompted Robert about the possibility of customizing.

Top answer:

We have received feedback from the community that some managers increased conversion when they used the word form instead of PACT in their verbal conversations and in emails.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Negotiating an Insider Round

Hi all, I am working on a potential small insider bridge round for a portco (capped SAFE) and there are three key existing investors in the mix for this. The other two investors want to chat amongst ourselves about valuation etc. before responding to the CEOs proposal, which I feel is collusion (whether immoral or illegal, doesn't matter). I think the better course of action is for each of us to independently come up with what we feel is appropriate for the round, share that directly with CEO, and then the negotiations can commence. Any thoughts much appreciated! (NOTE: I was an operator until very recently so maybe I have too many scars from being on the other side of the table)

Top answer:

In most cases, your suggested approach is the right one. There are some exceptions such as when the founders did something bad or unethical, but in general, your approach is sound. With insider rounds, the CEO needs to drive this proce...


Target returns communicated to LPs

I just got this questions from a potential LP:  What should i assume in terms of overall MOIC and target timing? Appreciate exits are hard to predict, but what should be the target based on the seed-stage VC asset class? 3-5x MOIC and some liquidity in 10-12 years?  How would you answer this?

Top answer:

Avoid promising targeted returns to LPs. You may want to model out some returns based on your strategy showing High, Medium, Low scenarios at some point, but the answer to the LPs should be: "I will share our deck which will describe sev...


Is capital call process for VC firm and Venture Studio is same? Or what is the process for Venture Studio?

Top answer:

The Venture Studios in the VC Lab program have a VC fund attached. Please review this article: The capital calls for the VC fund that's attached to the studio will work the s...


Hi All! Let's say my fund size is $6MM, so how much I can raise from single LP? Or how do I decide how much to raise from each LPs? Is there any formula or concept around this? Looking forward for your valuable advice. Siddharth

Top answer:

No LP can own more then 25% of the fund and ideally they should own less then 20%.  LP ticket sizes are based on demand and capacity. Your minimum ticket for the 1st close should be not be lower then $100k.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Should my fund have tear sheet for LP's?

Top answer:

It's more of a nice to have. If LPs are requesting it, take your deck and put the major points in each slide into a section of the executive summary.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Track record as a nominee of a regulated fund

Hi, our previous fund sits as a nominee of an FCA regulated fund, we manage all the investments and fundraising, they manage the reporting and compliance with the FCA to allow us to operate. This is a fairly standard structure for early stage funds in the UK but we were told that this impacts our investing track record and should consider ourselves as 'raising our first fund'.  I have got conflicting opinions on how this impacts our track record - could anyone explain why this is potentially negative?

Top answer:

While we can't speak specifically as to an FCA regulated fund or being the nominee thereof - there are general principles to keep in mind.   Typically, vehicles may not be considered as being helpful for a "first fund" if:  • the fund m...


Metrics For First Funds

What metrics for first time fundraisers matter most in the eyes of LPs for raising a second fund? In other words, what KPIs / metrics must be relatively high to best ensure that a first time fundraiser will be able to raise a second fund?

Top answer:

On the quantitative side, cash on cash returns is the number one metric that emerging managers working on Fund II or Fund III are evaluated on, followed by unrealized markups. On the qualitative side, operating drama in previous funds, s...


LP Solicitation

A LP (naturalized US citizen) signed a PACT and wants to help recruit additional LPs in the US and Mexico.  Are there solicitation issues that I need to be aware of for myself (GP) and my LP?  Thank you. 

Top answer:

You need to follow the general solicitation laws of the countries where you and your various counterparties are located. Here are two guides to help you navigate these matters. https:...


Fundraising with placement agents

As an emerging fund manager, is utilizing placement agents a prudent choice for fundraising? One of the significant challenges I face is having a limited network, which has hindered my ability to initiate a VC fund. I would greatly appreciate guidance on where to begin with fundraising for a first fund if placement agents are not a wise choice.

Top answer:

No. This is a bad idea. Avoid placement agents at all costs. First - the reputable placement agents rarely work with new and emerging managers.  Second - the vast majority of placement agents don't have your best interest in mind. Third ...


Startup Valuation

What valuation method would be most appropriate for a pre-revenue startup with a high potential and high-risk profile? 

Top answer:

You're defining every early stage startup in the world here when you say "pre-revenue startup with a high potential and high-risk profile". Startup valuations are typically set by the market of investors and not by some methodology or sp...


Strategies for attracting the right LP's

What are markers of good fit for the fund you are developing? What would constitute red flags? 

Top answer:

Read VC Lab's Limited Partner guide:

 -  Mike Suprovici

Most effective way to find LPs

Is there the most effective way to find LPs or it would be a combination of ways? For example, direct introductions, VC events, etc.

Top answer:

The most effective way of sourcing LPs is via 1st or 2nd degree connections in their network. 

 -  Mike Suprovici


Are due diligence questionnaire and private placement memorandum required documents in order to attract serious / institutional LPs?

Top answer:

No, they are not required. Also, it's absolutely critical that new and emerging managers do not engage with any vendors including lawyers until they have a minimum of 10%+ of their fund hard circled in PACTs. Finally, institutional LPs r...


What's the most ideal age of person to start a VC firm?

Is there any specific age of fund managers that LP's prefer? Is there any stats available about age of first time fund managers?

Top answer:

According to VC Lab's most recent nextgen manager report, 63% of new managers are over the age of 40, whereas only 5% are under the age of 30.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What are LPs looking for in emerging fund managers in this current market environment?

Hi everyone - as we all know, the venture fundraising scene has changed dramatically in the last year or so due to market conditions, global volatility/conflicts, interest rate growth, and so forth, In the future, after I get some experience under my belt, I do envision myself raising a fund. With that being said, and assuming the market environment remains as-is for the foreseeable future, has anyone observed what LPs are looking for in emerging fund managers amidst the existing fundraising climate? If anyone has heard directly from LPs, that would be great insight as well! 

Top answer:

Assume that everything you hear in the media about Venture Capital is wrong. Journalists are working off bad data and the opinions of a few old VCs that are becoming irrelevant. VC Lab accelerator participants had the best fundraising mo...


What are some glaring qualitative, interpersonal, or behavioural alarm bells or red flags when attempting to raise money from a limited partner?

Top answer:

Here are some potential causes of LP concerns during diligencing on GPs: • Size of fund too large for new manager • Large # of deals per person • Poor updates  • Small network • Bad references from portfolio founders  • Bad references fr...


What are some objections from LPs as an emerging manager and how to handle them

Seeking what are some typical objections LPs may ask from a First-Time / Emerging Manager and how best to answer them. Try to craft my answers to get closer to more "Yes"

Top answer:

This is an impossible question to answer because LP objections are dependent on the manager's thesis and the LP archetype. Unless 1 in 5 LPs sign a PACT, a manager's thesis needs improvement. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Can LPs increase their capital commitment after the Fundraising Period has ended?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, fund managers should err towards not accepting capital commitment increases after the Fund's Fundraising Period has ended. Issues of fiduciary duty can be implicated, depending on the circumstances, and enough of a to...


Can you use retirement funds to invest into VC funds?

Top answer:

Possibly - however it really depends on what kind of retirement funds/accounts are being contemplated, and where and how those funds/accounts are held. Country-specific regulations may also apply, as a general rule of thumb. For exampl...


How I can download all the folders of a Data Room?

A potential investor is asking to share with them the complete data room files by email given firewall issues (very common for big institutions) and we are willing to share this info. However, the only way to download the files I am founding is one by one. There is an option to download all at once?

Top answer:

Hi Francisco, unfortunately the ‘download all at once’ option for files in a Data Room currently doesn’t exist, so you will have to download them one by one for now.  We do have this feature on our product roadmap, so we hope it will be...


Is it a concern to raise money from Chinese LPs (mainly high net worth or GPs) to invest in US companies?

Given the geo political tension and  CIFUS regulations? 

Top answer:

There are many Chinese investors all around the world who are not citizens of China and who are excellent limited partners. Chinese citizens have various restrictions from China and from other governments, including currency controls and...