Advisor vs Venture Partner
What is the difference between an Advisor to the fund and a Venture Partner? How will the compensation vary?
What is the difference between an Advisor to the fund and a Venture Partner? How will the compensation vary?
What is the difference between Fund admin vs Back office?
I am seeking guidance regarding the inclusion of annual Audit expenses on my Fund Sheet for a US domicile. While recognizing the potential benefits of maintaining clean records and reducing stress, I would appreciate clarification on whether it is necessary and advisable to incorporate these expenses. Thank you!
Is this allowed? What paperwork do I need to provide the LP and do we have any templates?
I think the below means that first we need to return the $25M to LPs, before we can recycle? “After a Limited Partner has received cumulative distributions equal to the sum of the aggregate capital Contributions made to the Fund by such Limited Partner, the then-current amount of a Limited Partner’s Unused Capital Commitment shall be increased by an amount equal to the Recycled Amount.”
Can we say "up to x%" or will we be required to recycle the exact percentage we choose to commit?
Can we lead SPVs outside of our fund if it doesn't fit our thesis?
How do Class A votes relate to the Advisory Committee votes?
We have budgeted 100k for fund expenses from our LPs. When we do the call for 2.5M do we also call for the fund expenses? How much do we call? 10% of the 100k since it’s 10% of the fund? Or do we call the full 100k and then not charge that group of investors in the future?
I see some early stage funds have an advisory network like MBX Capital. They have advisor agreements from what I remembered but what if a fund manager wants more than a couple of advisors (some of them temporary) or venture partners?
What are the pros and cons of co-branding with an established VC firm?
How do funds typically implement sharing dead-by-deal carry on deals in their portfolio with people that introduced them?
Our LPA allows the partnership to borrow money — if our bank were to give us a loan equivalent to the management fees would we be able to use it to invest 100% of the committed capital?
I’ve been speaking to a few potential LPs and a question came up that I was hoping someone could answer. How much of the “first close investors” capital can be deployed before the second close? For example if I had a $10M fund target with a first close of $2M am I able to call and deploy that full $2M before raising the remaining $8M? And even if I’m legally able to do so under the terms of a LPA would this be considered off-market? Thanks in advance.
What are the mechanics for 'per deal carry' for Venture Partners? Specifically if the whole fund has not generated sufficient returns to pay a carry does the GP pay for the per deal carry if an exit occurs?
Is there a maximum limit on the number of Venture Partners a fund should have? I am thinking of pulling in different sub-sector experts to work with portfolio companies.
Other then Carta what is the best cap table tool out there? Something better then excel sheets?
Can I deal warehouse investments that I have made through an Angel Syndicate?
My first close is coming up and I have more great deals than I can realistically make with my existing LP base. My LPs asked why they can not chip in more than the usual 25-30% earlier. What do you recommend?
Does the Fund 1 team typically remain substantially the same for future Funds with the same thesis? Or is there usually a reset and new GPs/VPs can be brought aboard each time a subsequent Fund is launched?
Is it possible to have smaller capital calls for one or two LPs? Like 25% for everybody, but one guy needs to wait for liquidity so he wants to put in 15% on the first capital call?
What's the norm for venture partners helping with fundraising when it comes to the relationship with the LP? Are they expected to be the touchpoint with the LP (like an account owner in sales)? Or are they only providing the intro and then the GP handles the relationship? Probably case by case but what is your experience there?
How much information do LPs typically get about performance? Specifically do some LPs require or get detailed information about each company invested in (for instance so that they can disclose what their holdings are)? We are talking to a wealth manager for a group of HNWI and it sounds like they would need regular (annual?) updates about each company in the fund. Is that typical? If so that would probably require quite a bit of admin work on the fund side.
What are the typical terms (interest rate payback period) for a loan to the GP for the GP commit? I ask out of curiosity not because we are considering this for fund I
I understand the Venture Partners are given a share of the carry. Is there a guidance document reg the carry share and/or compensation for Venture Partners Principals Associates etc.
How do we value the GP carry upfront and the unit of shares? I see footnotes of 950000 class A and 50000 Class V shares in the Share Agreement for the GP earlier shared for us to engage Venture Partners?
If a 'portfolio' venture partner is to work on individual portfolio investments but not necessarily ALL of them does this change how the venture partner agreement is written?
Which background check service providers do people use when completing their DD on founders? Does VC lab partner with a certain group if so any discount codes we can use?
Is an emerging fund manager expected by LPs to have 1/3 initial investment 2/3 reserves for follow-ons for breakthrough portcos? Or is an emerging fund manager rather expected to build a platform by maximizing the number of startups (relevant to the thesis) in portfolio with very low reserves for follow-ons?
The best Venture Partners in my opinion are operators and founders. However I am considering a couple of Venture Partners that are working at other VCs but worried about potential conflict. Is it a normal industry practice to have VPs from other funds?
Any thoughts on subscribing to Pitchbook to access potential LPs? I wonder if there's any value in paying $25k/year at our current stage as a small fund.
Are people working for a big company typically able to be venture partners?
Should there be regular communications between LPs and portfolio companies? What is the dynamic between them?
What is the role of Advisors for a Fund? When do we start looking for Advisors and how do we identify the right fit and work out a remuneration (fixed vs variable). Thank you.
Clearly when choosing a GP one has to ensure good pre-existing relationships which can last another decade. How critical is the match with VPs and how painful would be the “break-up”? Is carry split vesting practiced with VPs?
How do you manage to compensate a Venture Partner that is really performing vs other one who does not do a thing if you gave them both at first lets say 1% of the carried interest?
Is it common to incentivize Venture Partners on a deal by deal basis rather than having shares in the GP?
When forming an advisory board of specific industry professionals for your fund that helps support start-ups we invest in do these advisors fall under venture partner agreements or another role?
Are there some model budgets for a fund? What is the annual cost for report generation tax and regulatory compliance, etc.? How expensive is it to run LP events?