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Fund Operations

Ask about all aspects of fund operations, including setting up bank accounts, sending out reports, making distributions, doing capital calls, and managing fund experiences. The data includes questions answered by experts and professional guides.

Do Fund Partners Typically Receive Salary as W2 Employees, Partnership Distributions, or 1099 Contractors?

Is it customary for fund partners to receive salary as a W2 employee as a partnership distribution from the LLC or as a 1099 contractor?

Top answer:

For small funds, the managers frequently take distributions and do not get paid as either an employee or as a contractor. Only when the fund sizes are above $20 MM do managers start looking at salaries, and the salaries are reserved for ...

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Is There a Distinction Between Fund and Management Company Branding, and When Should We Develop the Latter?

Is there typically a distinction between the branding for your fund and the branding of the overall Management Company? If so, when would we start working on the branding of the Management Company (given that we are now working on the branding for the fund)?

Top answer:

The Management Company owns the brand. So yes, you’re usually branding for the management company. When you get to your 2nd or 3d decade with multiple funds under the Management Company, you may set up funds with different focuses that m...


Can Operating Companies Generate Revenue from Sources Other than Management Fees, such as SaaS Products or Conference Ticket Fees?

Can the operating company have other sources of revenue than management fees (e.g. from a SaaS product ticket fees for a conference)?

Top answer:

It can, yes. Generally, these end up being distractions. Make great investments, and that is where all of the money will come from.

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After closing do venture partners keep an active role in the fund?

After closing do venture partners keep an active role in the fund?

Top answer:

It depends on your agreement with them, but most are active after closing, yes. Venture partners can serve various roles:

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What is the duration and percentage of fund capital held in cash before being invested?

Roughly how long and what % of fund capital is laying around in cash before it’s deployed into an investment?

Top answer:

Ideally 0% of fund capital is laying around in cash before deployment into an investment. If you have a lot of money in your bank account you messed up.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Do Portfolio and Fundraising Venture Partners Typically Charge an Upfront Fee and Carry for Investments?

Is it common for both Portfolio and Fundraising Venture Partners to charge a fixed upfront amount per deal invested in addition to the carry to be received at the end of the investment period? and if so how would this compensation be in economic terms?

Top answer:

No - it is not common for venture partners to be compensated with both a fixed amount per deal in addition to carry. The compensation is typically only carry. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Is it Possible to Add a Charity as a Venture Partner and Are There Legal/Tax Issues?

Does anyone know if it’s possible to add a charity as a Venture Partner? Are there any legal/tax issues (I can’t think of any off the top of my head)?

Top answer:

Potentially, however you will need to be careful of potential conflicts of interest. These may need to be managed via an additional agreement - otherwise it may not be a good idea to proceed.  If the charity provides separate additional...


How to Structure Capital Calls for a $5M Fund with a 30-Month Investment Period to Avoid Value Loss?

I'm working on the capital call structure, and I am not sure what's the best way to do it. How are you structuring capital calls to avoid having capital in the bank loosing value? My fund is $5M and the investment period is 30 months.

Top answer:

You will not be able to predict your schedule until you do a first close. Before that, you can assume a 25% capital call on first close LPs. You will do the same on all future closed LPs (but not the LPs who you have already called capit...


What are Effective Methods to Measure Decarbonization Impact of Investments for $300K Tickets?

I am searching for an objective and lightweight way to measure the decarbonization impact of the companies we invest in. So far we have come across overweight auditing options or unverifiable 'napkin' calculations. We like to be able to prove to our LP's that our investments really make a difference in a way that makes sense for the tickets we plan to invest ($300K). Any experience or ideas on this? ( Andrea Monti or Adeo ?)

Top answer:

You could ask the companies to comply with the For Progress ( designation, and then the company would publish their results every month or quarter. You can then roll up the results into your own reporting.

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What is the exact difference between a 'Venture Partner' and a 'Venture Investor'?

What is the exact difference between a 'Venture Partner' and a 'Venture Investor'?

Top answer:

This is another example of confusing venture capital terminology. They are often the same thing. Venture Investors can refer to Venture Partners that help with investing, primarily.

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What are the optimal timelines for distributing proceeds to LPs and the best practices in terms of business days?

Hi All can anyone share information on the most optimal timelines for the distribution of proceeds to LPs? What is the trend for best practice? How many business days etc post year end or end of duration of fund etc.

Top answer:

Distributions are usually done upon exits and the Fund's LPA usually specifies the details. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

What are the rules, expectations, and norms on communicating fund holdings and deals to LPs?

What are the rules, expectations, and norms on communicating fund holdings and deals to LPs?

Top answer:

The goal is to communicate on a regular schedule to set expectations about communication with LPs, otherwise some will start demanding heavy communication. I would look to send one good update once a quarter, a larger update at the end o...

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How does an advisor get compensated?

How does an advisor get compensated?

Top answer:

You can use a venture partner agreement. Click this link to learn more about Venture Partner Agreements:

 -  Mike Suprovici

Is it Necessary to Finalize Venture Partner Arrangements at Fund Formation or Can We Allocate Funds and Issue Specific Amounts Later?

Do we need to finalize all Venture Partner arrangements at fund formation or can we allocate an amount for all VPs generally and issue specific amounts later (similar to an option pool)?

Top answer:

No - a Fund does not need to finalize arrangements with specific Venture Partners at fund formation.   Typically, the Fund authorizes a Share Pool (similar to an option pool or stock plan) for future and intended Venture Partners, and a...


Can you recommend insurance firms that provide policies for venture capital firms?

Can you recommend insurance firms that provide policies for venture capital firms?

Top answer:

VC insurance policies, usually called Venture Capital Asset Protection Insurance (VCAP for short), are not designed for emerging mangers with small fund sizes. As a result, they are mis-priced and are not affordable. Vouch does have an o...


What would be a reasonable percentage to offer out of the GP entity to a full-time junior person?

What would be a reasonable percentage to offer out of the GP entity to a full-time junior person?

Top answer:

Under 5% carried interest, which is under 5% of the 100% that represent the 20% carried interest. See this for more information:

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How do I recycle management fees? Is it recommended for a first time fund?

How do I recycle management fees? Is it recommended for a first time fund?

Top answer:

We do not recommend recycling on a first fund. It is complicated to manage. It delays starting your second fund. It is hard to explain to inexperienced limited partners. If you want to recycle despite the warnings, then you can set an a...

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Is it Fair for 4 GPs to Have Different Fund Shares Based on Amount Raised and Skills Added?

Does it make sense for all 4 partners to be GPs but allocate to each different share (%) of the fund based on (1) the amount each raises from LPs or brings into the fund from personal resources and (2) added value based on skills?

Top answer:

It is hard to make ownership based on fundraising for a number of reasons. First, it is just hard to track who does what if the partnership is functioning well, since one partner may know the investor, yet another partner closes the inve...

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What are the salary ranges for experienced VC principals/partners in NYC/Bay Area, excluding fundraising?

What are typical salary ranges for experienced VC principals / partners (not participating in fundraising)? Location: NYC/Bay Area.

Top answer:

It really depends on many variables, but good experience is rare in the VC industry. *Principal*: $250K to $500K per year plus 0.5 to 5.0% carried interest. *Partner*: $500K to $2 MM per year plus 2.5 to 10+% carried interest. Salarie...

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What US Bank Options Are Available for a Non-US Based VC with a $2MM Fund?

Any advice on US bank accounts for a non-US based VC with a $2MM fund? FRB told me they don’t serve non-US based firms and SVB told me that $2MM is too small a fund size for them.

Top answer:

You should try banking with a VC friendly financial institution like Grasshopper Bank.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Can a Partner in One VC Firm Serve as a Venture Partner in Another While Assisting in Fundraising?

Can a partner in another VC be a Venture Partner in another? If not, at what capacity can they be if they are helping fundraising?

Top answer:

It's possible but there are conflicts of interest within their own funds that must be disclosed and overcome to make this happen. It's usually pretty complicated, that it's not worth it.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Can Establishing a VC Advisory Board Benefit LPs? How to Incentivize and Prevent Conflicts?

Is it useful to set up an advisory board with other VCs from an LP point of view? How can I incentivize such VCs at other firms to be on my board? How can I avoid conflicts of interest?

Top answer:

You will likely setup an LPAC to help you manage conflicts. It’s not uncommon for at least one LP to be on it.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What are the best ways to compensate Scouts without paying them?

What are the best ways to compensate Scouts without paying them?

Top answer:

There are three ways to compensate Scouts:  1. With a thank you and reciprocation. 2. As a regular Venture Partner using the Venture Share agreement: 3. Using a deal by deal structure that is...

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Q: What is the Accepted Assessment Framework for Measuring Impact of Firm Dealflow and Portfolio Companies?

Impact Fund Q: has anyone settled on an accepted assessment framework they are going to use to measure the impact of their firm dealflow and portfolio companies? Thanks in advance for sharing any thoughts and/or resources.

Top answer:

Founder Institute created For Progress, which you can check out here:

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Is it common that funds charge the startup investee a fee to cover for your due diligence costs?

Is it common that funds charge the startup investee a fee to cover for your due diligence costs?

Top answer:

No. VCs will commonly charge portfolio companies for legal fees associated with a deal up to a cap in the term sheet, but it is uncommon to charge for due diligence fees, such as a software audit. These fees can be charged to Limited Par...

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Is it common to have exits happening and proceeds flowing in after the fund operations time period?

Top answer:

Exits can take longer than the standard fund life. However, typically, when extending the fund, VCs don’t charge management fees. The earlier you invest, the more likely that you may need an extension.

 -  Mike Suprovici