Ask AI
Question on the external websites firms can have:

1. What is the intended purpose of these?
2. If there are errors on these, where can they be fixed (see screenshot for Incisive ventures Saa S)?
3. How customizable are these? Zas ventures for E.g. has (IMO) a not great look (contact button placement on left hand side seems odd - and duplicative as there is one under team), & tab says General Partners but then they don't list themselves as having a General Partner, only a Managing Partner' (see Screenshot) 
2 replies
It is in the left nav under "Website" if you do not see website in the left nav, you need to click "navigation settings" and then click website when it shows up unchecked. The "Settings" is where errors can be fixed

Customization is minimal in that they can modify the text and the images 

intended use is a landing page for the firm. Right now it should not be used to much extent at all because of general solicitation. 

We are taking a look at modifying the experience so that it is a library of newsletters that people can subscribe to.
🙏 1
Saturday, November 09, 2024
It's so they don't have to create their own websites when they are ready to launch one. Kinda like squarespace. They need work but, eventually the integrated experience will be great.

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