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Hey one of our signed PACTS isnt showing up, LP used the custom PACT link to commit. When he tries again he sees a screen which says "Thank you for supporting..."

12 replies
When a Limited Partner (LP) signs a new PACT using the same email address as before, the system overwrites the existing PACT. This update includes changing the PACT amount to the new higher value and updating the date of signing. Therefore, the discrepancy might be due to an older PACT amount still showing on the dashboard. Ensure the dashboard is refreshed or check for any system updates.
They are unable to sign again they are saying and getting this page when they try to
Friday, August 16, 2024
Hi Rishad, send me the link that you're sending to them so I can have a closer look.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Hi @Rishad Usmani
The most common cause of this that we see is a completed PACT link being shared to a different LP, overwriting the answers of the first. I don't see any evidence of that being the exact answer in your case, but it still could be.

If you'd like, we can discuss this for a few minutes over a zoom call (since you may not wish to share sensitive information on this forum). I see a signed pact for the first link, and see the second link appears to be a fresh pact link. Let me know if you're available for a quick call.
sure happy to go over it on zoom, its mostly one LP says he signed a PACT but I dont see it and didnt get confirmation
Good talk. Summarizing for others, an individual PACT response link was pasted into an email.
🙌 1

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