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Suggestion (not a bug):  This top area...

...should NOT cover up this top nav...

Why?  Because the top nav provides much of the main functionality that you can do on the page.  It keeps happening that I waste time looking around for how to do something -- but it's hidden from view, because I had not first selected a record.  (As currently designed, the top nav only appears once you select a record (an LP) from the list.)  One shouldn't have to select a record in order to see & understand most of the functionality available on the page.  
2 replies
Hi Robert, that "top nav" is a "bulk action" bar, intended for executing actions on multiple prospects at the same time. Everything on that bar can be done more efficiently directly from a prospect itself. For example, if you want to move a prospect to another stage, you can use the Stage dropdown.

Or if you want to send an email you click the "Send Email" button. If you want to change pipelines, add a note, etc., you can do all of that directly from the prospect itself and save an extra click.

Saturday, August 31, 2024
Understood, thanks for that more efficient alternative, Travis.  But I stand by my suggestion -- because it's easiest to SEE all the functionality at my disposal all at once, via that top nav.  And if I want to do anything in bulk, I don't think of first starting to check-box all the people that I will want to do some action with, I first look at the Nav bars to see what my function options are.  I'm just saying, a better design would be to NOT ever obscure the top nav (and therefore, move that message "You've completed..." below it or somewhere else).

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