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What are pipelines?
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• Pipelines are the most important foundational piece of Decile Hub, and virtually everything in the system is integrated in some way or another with pipelines.  • There are pre-built, customizable pipelines to help you manage your investments (the dealflow pipeline) and your investors (the fundraising pipeline). There is a pipeline to help you manage connections that could lead to either of those things (the connectors pipeline), and also a pipeline to help you manage recruiting for your own growing VC firm (the recruiting pipeline). • Pipelines allow you to email the Prospects (people within your pipelines such as connectors or investors), store notes, define the next steps for each stage, and even enable the automatic execution of these next steps.  • They are divided into Stages, and each stage holds a set of steps. You can modify the stages in the Stages section within Pipelines (on the left-hand side panel) as well as the steps. 
1 reply
  • Pipelines are the most important foundational piece of Decile Hub, and virtually everything in the system is integrated in some way or another with pipelines. 
  • There are pre-built, customizable pipelines to help you manage your investments (the dealflow pipeline) and your investors (the fundraising pipeline). There is a pipeline to help you manage connections that could lead to either of those things (the connectors pipeline), and also a pipeline to help you manage recruiting for your own growing VC firm (the recruiting pipeline).
  • Pipelines allow you to email the Prospects (people within your pipelines such as connectors or investors), store notes, define the next steps for each stage, and even enable the automatic execution of these next steps. 
  • They are divided into Stages, and each stage holds a set of steps. You can modify the stages in the Stages section within Pipelines (on the left-hand side panel) as well as the steps. 

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