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How to merge People Records?
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If you have two nearly identical people in the system, here is how to combine them into one: • First, go to the People Directory on the left-hand side, then check the box next to the person with the same name that shows up twice in the people directory.  • When you select two people with the same name a 'Merge Selected' button will appear on the top of your screen, when you click on this button it will show you all the information that we know about each prospect/person.  • Now you can choose which information you want to keep.  • When you merge these records by clicking on "Merge selected" in the bottom right corner, all of the information that got selected by you will be retained, and the person will end up in all of the pipelines that are selected and they will be added to all of the organizations that both records are currently in.           For a more detailed explanation go to:
4 replies
If you have two nearly identical people in the system, here is how to combine them into one:
  • First, go to the People Directory on the left-hand side, then check the box next to the person with the same name that shows up twice in the people directory. 
  • When you select two people with the same name a 'Merge Selected' button will appear on the top of your screen, when you click on this button it will show you all the information that we know about each prospect/person. 
  • Now you can choose which information you want to keep. 
  • When you merge these records by clicking on "Merge selected" in the bottom right corner, all of the information that got selected by you will be retained, and the person will end up in all of the pipelines that are selected and they will be added to all of the organizations that both records are currently in. 
         For a more detailed explanation go to:
Tuesday, February 04, 2025
@Eduardo Gomes Küpper
 The alert for dupes will only show if the system detects any duplicates, based on name matching. If the alert is missing, it simply means we can't automatically detect duplicate people.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
well I did have a few dupes, same first, middle and last name. I had to correct manually (found 2). Maybe the banner is not coming back correctly. worth checking

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