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How can I use Email and Data Room automation for prospects?
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You can use email and data room / folder automation to automate tasks in pipelines when a prospect interacts with your email. This can be set up in the emails section of any pipeline. Navigate to the "AUTOMATION LINKS" part of the page for a particular email template and use the drop-down menu under "CHANGE STAGE ON CLICK" to select the stage you want the prospect to move to when they click the link. Similarly, you can set up automation in your data room / folder to automatically move a prospect to a stage when they visit your data room.
1 reply
You can use email and data room / folder automation to automate tasks in pipelines when a prospect interacts with your email. This can be set up in the emails section of any pipeline. Navigate to the "AUTOMATION LINKS" part of the page for a particular email template and use the drop-down menu under "CHANGE STAGE ON CLICK" to select the stage you want the prospect to move to when they click the link. Similarly, you can set up automation in your data room / folder to automatically move a prospect to a stage when they visit your data room.

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