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I can't confidently answer this question, please start a new Decile Base post to have this question answered.

The new SEC rules limit preferential treatment in Side Letters (Section 8.3). Historically, institutional LPs negotiated preferential terms via Side Letters, so I want to know if they’re now pushing back or finding workarounds. I also want to understand how biotech/health funds are handling regulatory carve-outs that LPs previously included in Side Letters.


Is the accounting section externally audited? What is the control for the information entered?

Top answer:

Every transaction that is recorded in the system needs to have supporting documentation, such as a legal agreement. Firms may also use an external auditor to further verify the date. However most small funds in Delaware often don't do an...


Why doesn't the cornerstone LPA contain an exclusion of consequential damages?

Many contracts in Delaware include clauses that exclude or limit consequential damages. Courts will generally enforce these limitations, but the specific language used is crucial. 


How do I edit a custom data point I've already added to prospects in the funnel?

How do I edit a custom data point I've already added to prospects in the funnel? (As another aside, I added a drop down "Geo Group" with results like SoCal, NorCal, NorEast... so we could group people for traveling events. However I've now learned every new entry has the first option automatically applied (SoCal) rendering those results useless and my data bad. I now need to go in and add a 'None' option first so that new entries don't get added to SoCal...) I'm surprised a result from the drop down is being automatically added, where all the other custom fields I applied are happy to be blank when a new entry is created. Bit of a bummer.