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Is capital call of 20% something common?

Hi there, It is for our exercise in the Venture Institute cohort 4 and I was wondering if this number of 20% is something common in the usual operation of a VC? Thank you, Natacha

Top answer:

Yes, a capital call of 20% is common. Most funds call 20% or 25% of committed capital upon the first close. This is a typical practice in venture capital to manage fund liquidity and investment needs.


What is the 1099 Report?

Under Back Office -> Accounting

Top answer:

This report is used by Fund Accounting every January to identify which of your vendors should receive a 1099. In order to be be required to send 1099s, the Fund/ManCo would need to be domiciled in the US, and only US-based LLCs and law f...


How can a VC fund manager generate the schedule K-1 forms for their limited partners in Decile Hub?

In the United States, venture funds are legally required to send each LP a schedule K-1 tax document every year by March 15, and many platforms (like AngelList) generate these documents automatically ( How does this work in Decile Hub?

Top answer:

Enduring VC Firms work with specialized VC tax firms to produce documentation like K-1s for each of their LPs. It's very important that there is a separation between the tax firm and the fund administrator to reduce potential conflicts o...


What's the difference between base and net management fees?

Question came to mind after reviewing the accounting section of Decile Hub

Top answer:

The difference would only come if there were offsetting fees that would reduce the base management fees. The base management fees would be calculated from what is stated within an LPA.

 -  Rob Del Prete 0