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Venture Legal


Ask about anything related to venture legal, including LPAs, SAFEs, fund formation, limited operations mode, and conflicts on interest. The knowledge base incorporates expert answers to legal questions in multiple fund domiciles.


venture share agreement for deal by deal

Where can I find a sample of venture share agreement for deal by deal? At this link ( it says to ask for VC Lab for such a sample not readily available there. Thanks.

Top answer:

We typically strongly advise against a deal by deal arrangement due to the complexity of managing this arrangement. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

How do I recap a company with a large amount of SAFE's outstanding?

We have several SAFE's as investments in a company. Virtually all of the capital has been put in by our group.  What rights do we have as SAFE holders if there are issues or concerns with management actions? If you were the investor in this entity, how would you approach this situation?   

Top answer:

A priced round will convert the SAFEs. In addition, because you're the largest investor, you do have some leverage. Usually, the best thing to do is to hash this out with the founding team 1st. For example, you can get them to agree to d...


Do Asian investors prefer to invest in US-, Hong Kong-, or Singapore-domiciled funds?

Our fund's investor demographic will include US and Southeast Asians.  What regulatory regime would be most favorable given the diversity of our investors?

Top answer:

Asian investors often prefer to invest in US-domiciled funds due to the favorable regulatory environment and established legal framework. Delaware is a popular choice for fund domicile due to its well-developed corporate laws and investo...


How do we ensure that our contract protects a) the jurisdictions b) the Mensarius oath c) as well as ensure the fund cant be overridden or taken over by LPs for their own interests

Top answer:

To ensure your contract protects the jurisdictions, the Mensarius Oath, and prevents LPs from overriding or taking over the fund for their own interests, follow these steps: 1. **Jurisdictions**: Work with experienced legal counsel to e...


Aside from the Management Company, General Partner, and Limited Partner, what other legal entities need to be created for a Venture Studio? What incorporation structure is recommended for those entities?

Here the ideal structure for a Venture Studio is laid out, showing 5 legal entities - (1) Management Company, (2) General Partner, (3) Limited Partner, (4) The Venture Studio / Accelerator (operations), and (5) An Individual Company (created by the Venture Studio / Accelerator). While researching, its been suggested that the Venture Studio operations (4) be created as an LLC with the individual companies (5) being incorporated as C-corps, though I'd like some validation or refutation of this.

Top answer:

This article outlines the Venture Studio stricture and entities: The set-up of the Venture Studio as a C-corp or an LLC depends on your strategy. If you are planning to take ...


Can you do general solicitation in Australia?

Guessing if you can would need a .au domain  I know crowdfunding is out as that is licensed, not that I would wan to do that.

Top answer:

It's unlikely that a domain would be the deciding factor whether or not something is classified as General Solicitation (or its equivalent) in Australia. We recommend reaching out to local fund experts for guidance. 

 -  Haw Kuo

Can the law firm of one of our fund partners (GP) advise a portfolio company on trademark registration? (that firm is not our fund counsel)

I understand a law firm advising a venture fund should not also advise a portfolio company in that fund due to potential conflicts (especially with corporate counsel). One of our fund partners is also an attorney in a firm that does patent/trademark registration work. (The fund uses a different firm for legal counsel) With a specific scope on trademark registration, there seems to be little chance for conflict in that narrow scope -- more of a value-add. Is the answer the same regardless of the partner's firm association? Firm Partner, Fund GP, Venture Partner?

Top answer:

They can. Typically the law firm partner will evaluate if there is a conflict and recommend the next steps. Often they will recommend that someone else in their firm lead the project. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

My firm has two owners/managing partners - how should we allocate the shares of the Management Company?

Top answer:

Consider very carefully the following factors while deciding on the allocation of shares between two owners and/or managing partners: • overall contribution; • value (expertise, network, etc.) It is critical to have a clear understandin...


What is there both a Management Company and a General Partner entity? Why not use one entity instead?

Top answer:

The separation between the Management Company and the General Partner entity in a Venture Capital firm/fund structure allows for scalability and flexibility. The Management Company owns the brand and intellectual property, and is where t...


What happens if one of the fund managers passes away or is otherwise incapacitated?

Top answer:

If a fund manager passes away or is incapacitated, the fund's Limited Partner Agreement (LPA) typically includes language or provisions addressing this event.  For example, in the Cornerstone LPA published by Decile Group, such an event...


I set up a Share Pool for my General Partner entity to issue to Venture Partners. What happens if I don't issue them all?

Top answer:

If you don't issue all the shares in your Share Pool to Venture Partners, those shares simply remain unallocated. They can be issued at a later date to new Venture Partners or other team members if needed. It's important to note that un...


What if I want to add a Venture Partner (or another person) to my firm's Management Company?

Top answer:

Adding a Venture Partner or another person to your firm's Management Company is a significant decision as it involves sharing ownership and control of the entire firm. This person would then also earn carried interest on all funds under ...


Are Venture Partners in a Firm's General Partner entity or Management Company?

Top answer:

Venture Partners sit in the General Partner entity of a Venture Capital firm. They are involved in managing only one specific fund and can earn a percentage of the carried interest for that particular fund. They are typically not part of...


How does the typical Venture Capital firm/fund structure make it easy to scale?

Top answer:

With the popular Venture Capital firm/fund structure used by Decile Partners, scaling a Venture Capital firm is relatively easy. New Venture Capital funds can be spun up under the same Management Company (requiring only a new General Par...


What is the difference between a Venture Capital firm as compared to a Venture Capital fund?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, a Venture Capital firm is a reference to the management entity managing one or more Venture Capital Funds.  A Venture Capital fund is a specific pool of capital that the management company invests.  Venture Capital fi...


How is a Venture Capital firm/fund typically structured?

Top answer:

Decile Partners generally works with and recommends the following standardized and scalable structure for Venture Capital firms/funds (Delaware domicile): • Management Company (ManCo) formed as a limited liability company. This is where ...


do the fund origination fees collected from the LPs that join after the fund is closed get redistributed to the initial LPs?

in re 2.5. in Cornerstone LPA 

Top answer:

No, the fund origination fees collected from Limited Partners (LPs) that join after the fund is closed do not get redistributed to the initial LPs. These fees are typically used to cover the costs associated with setting up and operating...


What happens if an LP unfortunately passes away? What happens to their partnership interest in the Fund? Why don't the agreements address that?

Top answer:

If an LP unfortunately passes away, said LP's partnership interest will be handled by the arrangements made with respect to the LP's heirs, executors/administrators of an estate, successors, etc. The LP is responsible for setting these u...


What are the risk of raising equity money for your ManCo? What are the best practices to structure it?

We want to raise money for our ManCo, and we want to understand the risks.  We will structure it as an SPV in our name and let external investors join through the SPV; this way, there should be no implications for governance and the cap table.  Is there anything else we need to consider? We have already spoken to a few fund managers who have done the same, and they said they did not face any issues with this structure. 

Top answer:

Investors in the ManCo will get carried interest in all future funds. While their investment provides working capital in Fund 1, GPs will grow very resentful should the firm be successful in later funds because they will share carry with...


Dear VC Lab team & community, Regarding the Venture Partner template: to which degree do these percentages change in function of fund size? As the fund size becomes bigger, carry allocations become smaller? E.g. $US10MM fund size vs. $75MM fund size. Decile base says no change but can't imagine that is true? Thanks! Wim

Top answer:

No, it doesn't work like this. Assume carry is 100%, irrespective of fund size. When you give carry to a VP, it's a % of 100%. So, if you decided to give a VP 5% it will be 5% of 100% of the carry. This has nothing to do with the fund si...


What can a key venture partner for our fund say about his ongoing advisory services in support of our fund, before it is formed? He is taking a new part-time position, and is being asked to disclose all other roles. Can he mention he is advising our firm name (even though there is no entity or contract in place), or just my personal name?

Note that it may be important for him to list me or the firm at this point, to reserve a time allocation for activities with our firm.

Top answer:

He can disclose that he is advising your new firm and the time commitment that he will dedicate.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What is the Parallel Fund structure mentioned in the Cornerstone LPA? When does the need arise for setting it up?

Top answer:

A manager may decide to set up a “Parallel Fund” in order to accommodate the needs of certain limited partners that have tax, regulatory or other issues in investing in the primary fund.  For example, a non U.S. limited partner may want...


Fund setup in Cayman Islands

Looking forward to any referrals for parties/advisors for fund setup in Cayman Islands. 

Top answer:

The Cayman Islands is an expensive and slow domicile, so it is not recommended to set up funds in the Caymans. A less expensive, less regulated, but also slow domicile is BVI, and Decile Partners can work to set a fund up there. Assume t...


Can a Fund sign a Venture Partner agreement with a company (not an individual)?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, a Fund should not enter into a Venture Partner agreement with a company, unless the company is wholly owned by one individual. Services provided to a Fund are typically very personal and delegation is usually unwant...


When are LP units redeemable?

This answer covers units, shares, etc. 

Top answer:

Limited Partners (LPs) are generally not issued units, shares, or any equivalents for their investment into a VC Fund - this is a common misconception. LPs simply own a percentage of the limited partnership's interests.  By design, the...


can i do crowd funding for a fund (ie. crypto fund - but doesn't have to be) anywhere in north america legally? anywhere in the world?

without minimum investment limits and the requirement for accredited investors?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, no - but it's complicated. Every country has it's own securities regulations regime (which may also interact with other countries' regimes), and nearly every one imposes restrictions, exemptions, etc. on crowd funding...


Investing and Operating in EU (with domicile in Delaware)

What are the requirements for European GPs opening a fund in Europe, even with domicile of fund in Delaware? Is there a need for a specific license to operate and invest in the EU?

Top answer:

European GPs (General Partners) looking to fundraise in Europe, even with the domicile of the fund in Delaware, face a complex regulatory environment. When pitching EU limited partners before the fund is launched, manager must adhere to ...


Are there any legal considerations/risks a VC fund should be aware of when startup portcos issue unregistered securities to them?

Top answer:

By law, all offers and sales of securities within the United States must be either: • registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC); or • issued relying on an available exemption from such registration. Generally spea...


Cornerstone Query: 'Non-Investments'

In the Cornerstone LPA, clause 3.2 mentions portfolio liquidity results with respect to 'non-investments'. Can you please explain what non-investments may be, and how their yield portfolio liquidity results?

Top answer:

Non-Investments are assets of the Fund that are not tied to Investments (ie investments in portfolio companies or cash equivalents).  For example, the Fund may have proceeds from a litigation that is unrelated to an investment.

 -  Hans Kim

What is Regulation S as it applies to VC Funds?

Top answer:

In the US, offerings of securities must be registered with the SEC or made pursuant to an exemption from registration. Regulation S provides an exemption for issuers to offer and sell securities in offshore transactions.  Regulation S ha...


Cornerstone LPA 2.0 agreement specifies that the fund can be dissolved, liquidated, and terminated by the election of the general partner. What are the typical cases making GP to make such a decision? Isn't it too risky for LP leaving it possible to have the fund terminated for any reason by the GP?

I wonder what are the provisions in the Cornerstone LPA 2.0 that will protect the LP from unjustified termination, such as LP approval of termination and what is the best industry practice to protect LP rights.

Top answer:

For the General Partner to unilaterally decide to wind up a fund is an edge-case - there aren't "typical" types of cases to speak of here. However as one example, a pending SEC investigation (which could implicate the General Partner) co...


Roles and limitations for LPs in portfolio companies

What roles in portfolio companies can LPs play, given their expertise or network? What are the considerations for these roles in order to avoid conflicts of interest?

Top answer:

It's not uncommon for LPs to take advisory roles in some portfolio companies. In addition, many LPs are often offered direct investment opportunities in follow-on or pro-rata opportunities. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

For Canada Domicile, there has been a lot of movement towards alberta (lower tax rates to start) - any thoughts on this differing from Ontario? (ie. some are newly dubbing alberta 'delware of the north' - true?)

Here are a few articles to review that have popped up in the last month: 1) 2) 3) 4) 4) above from Founder Institute Toronto's own Sunil Sharma on Alberta.

Top answer:

Ontario is an internationally recognized domicile. Alberta, BC and Quebec may make sense if all LPs and investments are from that region. Otherwise, Ontario is the recommended domicile because it's a hub. This means that there is a good ...


Mike had said there are 5 legal entities in domiciling in Toronto, Canada - what are they and why 2 extra then normal?

3 legal entitities of a venture capital firm venture capital firm typically consists of three legal entities:1. The Management Company (ManCo) - This is the enduring entity across all funds and is owned by the fund managers. It typically employs professionals working across all of the firm’s funds. 2. The General Partner (GP) Entity - This entity manages the activities of the fund and is mostly owned by the Management Company. A new General Partner Entity is set up for each fund. 3. The Limited Partnership (LP) - This is the actual fund where the Limited Partners invest into and from where portfolio investments are deployed. A new Limited Partnership is set up for each fund. Mike had said in canada there are 2 more

Top answer:

See the diagram below: [Canada Cornerstone Structure.png]

 -  Mike Suprovici

Founder request for business help

A rockstar founder is asking me to help with his company - well beyond a bit of free coaching and guidance (negotiate a license, coach interim CEO, other substantial efforts) in exchange for equity &/or cash.  What are the top considerations prior to raising a venture fund that may eventually want to invest in the company?

Top answer:

Here are the main considerations: 1. Venture funds can't receive advisory shares. So, if the founder makes you an advisor, you can't transfer that ownership to the fund. 2. If you are an advisor or consultant, that will be a conflict of...


Where can I find the VC Lab’s template Stewardship Agreement?

It's mentioned in the Venture Partner agreement, but I cannot find it anymore.

Top answer:

A template Stewardship Agreement is available below:

 -  Adeo Ressi

in ontario, can friends and family (not accredited) invest in a venture capital company as limited partners as an exemption?

Top answer:

Decile Group strongly recommends not accepting any investors who are not accredited investors into a Fund, even if it is technically and legally possible (depending on the jurisdiction and the Fund's legal agreements). Such investors are...


How does LP confidentiality work with being on the LPAC? I would assume all LPs would be told who the LPAC members are?

Top answer:

“The identity of the LPAC members will be disclosed to all the investors of the fund. Disclosure happens as part of the process of providing notice to investors of changes or approvals that have been made.”


How do we verify someone is an accredited investor before we talk to the? Is it illegal to talk to them about joining the fund if they are not accredited? (thinking for people with high salaries specific that we think may qualify but aren't sure of)

Looking for when to broach the topic of accreditation and how to bring it up in the conversation, this is for the closing of the PACT conversation.

Top answer:

As a manager, you need to get to know every potential limited partner before you pitch them, including doing research to understand if they are accredited. At the ned of the day, you need to use your best judgement. This is governed by g...


I live in Canada, what language for the PACT? See details for what I put.

Given I expect to be raising from LPs from Canada and USA: "The undersigned understands that the Offering is being made without registration under any securities law in any jurisdiction, including the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act USA”), as amended, or any securities law of any state of the United States. And including in Ontario, Canada, without registration under the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.S5 (the "Securities Act ON").  The Offering is being made only to accredited investors as defined in the Securities Act ON and Securities Act USA (or in the applicable jurisdiction). [[management_company]] acknowledge that different jurisdictions have differing definitions of 'accredited/sophisticated investor' and is respecting the regulated requirements in the applicable jurisdictions." Please provide feedback or approve.

Top answer:

The PACT is a non-binding agreement, and, before any entities are formed, the jurisdiction does not matter, since there is no underlying entity to bind the agreement to. In general, it can be any jurisdiction, as the agreement is non-bin...


Standard Y Combinator SAFE agreement - error?

Regarding a typical Y Combinator SAFE agreement: In the event of an Equity Financing, who should be responsible for "execute and deliver all of the transactions documents related to the Equity Financing". The Investor or the Company? The current YC document put the responsibility on the SAFE Investor. But the SAFE Investor might not know the actual Terms of the Equity round agreed by the Company with the "new" Equity Investor. So it will be difficult for the SAFE Investor to provide those documents. I'm missing something here? Thanks!

Top answer:

Question: With respect to financing documents, what does an early-stage VC need to do at the time of a an Equity Financing (aka Preferred Stock Financing), if said VC invested earlier in a typical SAFE note? A standard, unaltered Y Com...


Can one of a Fund's limited partners also become a venture partner or other type of advisor or consultant to the Fund (via the General Partner entity)?

Top answer:

Yes - however in doing so, the limited partner will generally lose their "limited" status with respect to liability, because they may wield influence over the Fund's decision-making processes. They may become liable for any actions taken...


Legal setup for a deal warehouse

What is the best legal setup for a deal warehouse especially for the first fund? Do we create a simple LLP with equal partnership of investors (close associates) that holds 4-5 assets, which is later bought out by the fund company and transfer the warehouse assets to it? What happens to the warehouse LLP after the transfer of assets? Can this LLP be reshaped and branded as a GP or Manco company or should it be closed/killed. Or else, instead of additional administration of LLP, can we choose to keep the warehouse on a outsourcing platform like Angel list and later buy these from the fund company? Please suggest.

Top answer:

Generally speaking, the best setups for a prospective fund manager to warehouse deals are: • Individually (no one else involved); or • Via a 100% wholly-owned entity.  The other types of setups you are referring to generally are not opt...


Venture Partnership agreement

What are the main clauses or at least recommended clauses for an agreement with a Venture Partner in a fund?

Top answer:

Please go here to see the open source Venture Partner Share Agreement Template we published:

 -  Haw Kuo