What does the Clawback provision mean in practice?
For example, how is the "Excess Amount" calculated, when is repayment due, etc.
For example, how is the "Excess Amount" calculated, when is repayment due, etc.
Would there be a way to access the draft of the compliance policy on this platform?
Would there be a functionality within the Decile Hub to auto generate the first draft of some of the key legal documents, such compliance policy or valuation policy, related to the venture capital deals?
Hi There, Could someone walk me through the mechanics of how funds typically pay for deal legal fees out of the investment amount? Specifically, if I want to invest 100K in a startup, and the legal fees will be 5K: * does the term sheet and equity agreement state 95K? * does the fund pay the 5K to the lawyers directly? and transfers 95K to the company once the deal is closed? * in the deal memo and other investment documents, is this recorded as a 100K deal or a 95K deal? * are the deal metrics (DVPI, MOIC) calculated based on 95K or 100K? Am closing a warehouse deal in the next few weeks so would be great to get some guidance on how others have done this in the past.
without minimum investment limits and the requirement for accredited investors?
Here are a few articles to review that have popped up in the last month: 1) https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-albertas-aim-to-be-delaware-north-deserves-more-attention-from-canadas/?rel=premium 2) https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/practice-areas/corporate-commercial/albertas-business-corporations-act-aiming-to-make-province-new-delaware/380462 3) https://unpublished.ca/news-feed-item/2023-10-15/alberta%E2%80%99s-aim-to-be-delaware-north-deserves-more-attention-from-canada%E2%80%99s 4) https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sunilsharmats_custody-digitalassets-crypto-activity-7126023715527557120-usT9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop 4) above from Founder Institute Toronto's own Sunil Sharma on Alberta.
3 legal entitities of a venture capital firm venture capital firm typically consists of three legal entities:1. The Management Company (ManCo) - This is the enduring entity across all funds and is owned by the fund managers. It typically employs professionals working across all of the firm’s funds. 2. The General Partner (GP) Entity - This entity manages the activities of the fund and is mostly owned by the Management Company. A new General Partner Entity is set up for each fund. 3. The Limited Partnership (LP) - This is the actual fund where the Limited Partners invest into and from where portfolio investments are deployed. A new Limited Partnership is set up for each fund. Mike had said in canada there are 2 more
I understand a 3(c)(1) Qualifying Venture Capital Fund with <$10M in assets and <250 beneficial owners is exempt from reporting and registering with the SEC. However, if the ManCo and GP/LP are all domiciled in Delaware, are there still state-level registration and reporting requirements with the Delaware Securities Division since the fund advisor (i.e. ManCo & GP) is domiciled with a place of business in Delaware? It's my understanding that Delaware only has an exemption for 3(c)(7) fund advisors, not 3(c)(1) advisors (source).
If there are already funds with names starting with the same first word, but ending in"fund" and "capital", and my fund name has the same first word but uses "Ventures" and the exact word combination is not registered as an entity in Delaware or anywhere and the domain is available, is my fund name still too similar to use?
My limited partners, venture partners, or others who will be a part of my Fund have questions on legal, taxes, etc. What can I tell them?
I have already reached a first close on my fund and now want to invest into startups - how should I sign the investment documents on behalf of my Fund?