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with tagfund operations

As a fund manager (frequently referred to as a GP), can I loan money to my Fund?

Top answer:

Managers of emerging venture capital funds are typically exempted reporting advisers to their funds. They can loan money to the fund, but the loan must adhere to specific conditions outlined by the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act o...


What happens if an LP unfortunately passes away? What happens to their partnership interest in the Fund? Why don't the agreements address that?

Top answer:

If an LP unfortunately passes away, said LP's partnership interest will be handled by the arrangements made with respect to the LP's heirs, executors/administrators of an estate, successors, etc. The LP is responsible for setting these u...


Can a Fund sign a Venture Partner agreement with a company (not an individual)?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, a Fund should not enter into a Venture Partner agreement with a company, unless the company is wholly owned by one individual. Services provided to a Fund are typically very personal and delegation is usually unwant...


For investment volume.. I've planned 40 investments at 100,000 each for a $5 MM fund ($1 MM for management fees over 10 years). I'm not sure what the thinking is for this. Can I have clarity on what is recommended or what my thinking should be?

(also for our team that's 8 people on boards - 5 each)

Top answer:

The estimate of doing 40 $100K deals with a $5 MM fund is a dispersed strategy. You will not sit on Boards with $100K investments. Your capital deployment strategy is dependent on your fund strategy. If you want to get a lot of shots of ...


What is this 506(c) thing I keep hearing about? Should I do it?

Top answer:

Question: What is this 506(c) thing I keep hearing about? SEC Rule 506(c) covers General Solicitation - in essence publicly advertising that a Fund is raising money (via social media, public speaking, etc.).  This is in contrast to SEC...


While prospective fund managers are fundraising (but before funds are formed and operational), how do they make arrangements with advisors, venture partners, or other similar types of personnel?

Top answer:

Fund managers can discuss future arrangements verbally - however they should refrain from making any promises or commitments (verbal, written, or otherwise). Particularly, fund managers should sign NOTHING - as a general matter, legal ...


Can one of a Fund's limited partners also become a venture partner or other type of advisor or consultant to the Fund (via the General Partner entity)?

Top answer:

Yes - however in doing so, the limited partner will generally lose their "limited" status with respect to liability, because they may wield influence over the Fund's decision-making processes. They may become liable for any actions taken...


I am working with Decile Launch/Partners. What are Class V Shares and how do they work?

Top answer:

General Partner Entity Background Information The General Partner Entity is governed by the Stewardship agreement. The agreement authorizes and issues two types of Shares: Class A and Class V. Class A Shares are issued to the Management...


As a Fund Manager, can I provide advice to my limited partners, venture partners, or others regarding taxes, legal matters, etc.?

My limited partners, venture partners, or others who will be a part of my Fund have questions on legal, taxes, etc. What can I tell them? 

Top answer:

As a general matter, a Fund Manager should strictly NOT provide any advice, especially with respect to legal or tax matters. These are highly regulated professions (specifics will vary by country) with specific rules about who, how, an...


When investing in a startup, what should my Fund's signature block look like?

I have already reached a first close on my fund and now want to invest into startups - how should I sign the investment documents on behalf of my Fund? 

Top answer:

It's generally important for a fund manager to sign investment agreements with the correct signature block - it's especially important for the signature block to reference the correct Fund name, as well as it's General Partner and Manage...