Adding someone using the Chrome extension that is not an LP, Connector, or Recruit

When adding someone with the Chrome extension that isn't an LP, Connector, or Recruit (e.g. an Entrepreneur, PC executive, etc.), what is the easiest way to insert them directly into the general Directory so they show up in the "People" database?  When using the Chrome extension, you must choose a "Pipeline" to import the contact into.

I am logging deals and want to use the extension to add the entrepreneurs from the deals I'm reviewing directly into the "People"  database since they don't fit into the other database categories.  Thanks.
1 answer
Jul 05, 2024
Thanks for the explanation, but I already understand the relationship between the Directory and Pipelines.  Since you have to choose a pipeline using the Chrome extension, I have to choose a pipeline that doesn't fit for Entrepreneurs (like Recruiting), then delete them from the Pipeline so they only show up in the Directory.  Wish their was an option with the Chrome extension to just add people to the Directory in general without choosing a pipeline.  Hope this helps explain this better.  Thanks. 
Community Member
Jul 05, 2024 11:42pm
Ah  @Ron Ondechek Jr
 makes total sense, thanks for this suggestion. Noted.
Jul 06, 2024 12:36am
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