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Hey @Zander Buteux
I am stuck on a few things in my Hub sandbox that I want to try to get tied up. I'm not sure if it would be better to jump on a call but here is a list of things I'm blocked on:

  • In the "forms" section I seem stuck on one form that I created and saved, and can't seem to navigate to a landing page that has a list of the forms...just shows the open form that I had made. If I click "save changes" it stays on the page.
  • I have an assignment to do this (below) but get stuck right away, there is no option to "view decile pro as one of your LPs." I do see where you can upload wire instructions.
    • (Decile Pro) Learn how to troubleshoot Decile Pro, our LP portal. First, navigate to Back Office then select Decile Pro Settings. Then, select ‘View Decile Pro as one of your LPs’. Next, Navigate back to Settings and upload a file under Wire Instructions, navigate to back to LP impersonation screen, and try to locate the file for the wire Instructions. Finally, setup a call with your assigned Venture Associate to discuss: resolving mismatched LP emails, resetting LP accounts, and sending confirmation emails. 
  • I cannot create a capital call. I get an error that says "Unable to create Capital Call. Please ensure that the amount to be called is greater than zero."

Thank you!
8 replies
Laura sent me some tips on these so HOLD while I look those over and see if I can fix some of these.
I can jump in here to answer one or two of these:

> there is no option to "view decile pro as one of your LPs." 

The eye icon on left side of capital accounts allows this. This is some good feedback that isn't labeled particularly clearly.

> I cannot create a capital call. I get an error that says "Unable to create Capital Call. Please ensure that the amount to be called is greater than zero."

For this one, the error says it all. In this capital call, there are no active/eligible capital accounts with commitments, so the call can't be created. In your sandbox you may need to create capital accounts, and if you've created those, make sure they have "Is capital account enabled" checked, and don't have a red "inactive" tab.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Hey @Woody Butler
 TY!! Got it on the viewing of the LPs. 

I talked to Laura about my forms issue and it looks like she has an entire forms section and I do not. See screenshots. I went into the view settings to make sure it wasn't just unchecked but it's not there either.

Also, do you know how I can change the enabling of the capital accounts from false to true? 
  • Forms section is a decile admin only function, so you'd need to be logged in as a decile admin. (It's often good to have a test user, like your november user/account, that is not decile admin, in case you might want to test something from a perspective more closely matching the customers).
  • Enabling of capital accounts is also a decile admin only function. This one is because it's only done by our Fund operations/accounting teams when processing LPs for customers.
So quick resolution here is to log out from this user and log back in to your user. Before you log out, you may consider inviting to your november test account, just so you will have access to that account on your standard decile admin user (Most VAs perform majority of their tasks on their decile admin-enabled account).

Note that we have an attribute of a user that is true/false that gives them "decile admin permissions", and that we also have an account called "Decile Admin". They mean two different things (although I would say not everyone knows this, and this is definitely a detail).
@Woody Butler
My goal is to go into my sandbox and lean to do everything that the client can do. I see what you mean about seeing "Forms" if I'm logged in as an admin looking at my test fund (KNovember, but I guess am still a little confused about how it works. If I have a sandbox account as a fake client, shouldn't I be able to see forms if clients have it? I checked one of my clients accounts and they have a forms section.

Now I think I am stuck while trying to view my sandbox account while logged into my real account (versus logging in to it separately from an incognito window), because when I choose it from the dropdown in the top right or I try to go to this URL it shows me Pandadoc and I can't seem to get out of it.
Sure, a bit of explanation on our data models:
Users can have access to any number of Accounts (even 0). If it's 0, it means they are just using base or pro (for example, confirmed LPs will fit into this category).

The decile admin permission I mentioned is on a User, not an Account, so while logged in as a decile admin, you'll see things like that form section always, regardless of account. Your clients cannot see that navbar section.

My goal is to go into my sandbox and lean to do everything that the client can do.
There's a bit of back and forth between clients and decile admins that help operate their accounts, so keeping one browser logged in as the decile admin and one as the account owner is a great idea. E.g. a client might copy a prospect from fundraising to closing pipeline, then a decile admin would run their AML/background check and check the box for "capital account enabled" and "aml passed" etc.

Now I think I am stuck while trying to view my sandbox account 

This is an unrelated bug. We have a feature to save the last page people are on, and redirect back to that. We should add an exception for links to pandadoc documents though.
To fix it just go to (or any other link that is not just the "[subdomain]"
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