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When do I need to file form adv amendments each year for my venture fund?

Top answer:

You must amend your Form ADV each year by filing an annual updating amendment within 90 days after the end of your fiscal year. For best practice, you should have you legal counsel file this amendment for the fund.

 -  Nicholas Bird 1

Do you share the fund's current AUM to early LPs when catching up after some time/when asking for LP intros?

Do you share the fund's current AUM to early LPs when catching up after some time/when asking for LP intros?  How do you position it so it's a positive and not a negative?  How do you leverage it to get more LP intros?

Top answer:

You should share how much you have closed, if an LP asks. However, unless you have closed at least 50% of the fund, it's sub-optimal to lead with this type of information because it's unclear if you will reach your target. This is also w...


When there are multiple GPs, how do they split fee and carry between GPs? What are some models and best practices?

Top answer:

First, confirm that you and any other Managing Partners or General Partners (Partners) have the capacity to invest up to 1% or more of the Fund Size in cash or possibly in startup equity at cost. Next, confirm that all Partners can work ...


What is LP Institute?

Top answer:

The LP Institute is an 8 week online program built to teach Limited Partners (LPs) the process of investing in top venture capital managers. The program focuses on sourcing, conducting due diligence, and successfully closing on at least ...


What is a good argument a new/emerging Venture Fund for LPs who don't have experience with VC?

I asked DecileBase, but only found very generic answers. It would be useful to have a clear pitch for why a potential LP would want to invest in a venture firm.  How do new and emerging managers perform versus larger funds? How do they perform versus the market? 

Top answer:

We have developed an article for GPs to share with LPs: That being said, your proposed approach will not work. Sending LPs information about how the emerging managers over-perform othe...


Where do I report feature requests for decilehub?

Top answer:

Feature requests for Decile Hub can be shared in the Decile Base Hub Feedback channel, which can be found here: Your insights and suggestions are always welcome as they help improve the pla...


can an LP nominate IC member

AI Answer was  While an LP can potentially suggest a member for the Investment Committee (IC), the final decision typically rests with the General Partner or Fund Manager. It's important to ensure that any IC member is trusted, experienced, and aligns with the fund's strategy. any more to add

Top answer:

Yes. It's not uncommon for large LPs to want to request to be on the IC. That being said, you need to be very careful with who you nominate on the IC because it is making investment decisions for the fund. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

What are typical expenses (uses and amounts) for the first year of a new $5MM venture fund?

If the fund draws 3% management fees in the first year of a $5MM fund, the firm has $150k to spend on its functions and salary.  What are the business expenses and how much should we expect to pay for these?

Top answer:

Some business expenses that are typically paid from management fees include: Laptops & Equipment, Salaries, LP Events, Software, Due Diligence and Travel. Please review this article on fund expenses:


compensation for a venture partner

Top answer:

VC Lab has developed a free Venture Share Agreement that is designed to be used by venture capital firms and Venture Partners alike to quickly start working together. The template agreement is designed to specify the duties and compensat...


What are the most appropriate private and public benchmarks for the Firm’s track record?

Top answer:

The main metrics track record metrics are IRR, TVPI & DPI. However there are others that you can review in this question. In addition, you may also find this article helpful. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

For a typical master-feeder structure in the BVI, the Master LP entity should have a US tax form W-8IMY correct?

Need either W-8BEN or W-8IMY to be on AngelList

Top answer:

It's really difficult to build an enduring VC firm on AngelList. Consider getting off AL. If you're going to setup a fund in BVI, all entities need to be in BVI. It's super expensive and inefficient for you to have entities in multiple d...


How to determine markup valuation as an equity investment takes on token investors?

We have a portco that we invested in as an equity investor when they were an online experience platform. That business turned out not to be venture scalable. They team pivoted and raised another equity round... then they pivoted again into a blockchain gaming company. That company is doing very well now and they are the leaders in their space and with non-trivial revenue.  They have now raised $3M more in two subsequent funding rounds from blockchain-first investors who invest on a valuation basis of the fully diluted token value. This is good for company given that it is how their space commonly works. The fully diluted value of the token is substantial and (coupled with the progress for the company) certainly represents a mark up for our equity investment. As early equity investors, we will be receiving a token allocation as well. But determining a reasonable markup value is uncharted territory for us. I'm looking for advice from GPs who are familiar with the blockchain space on how to approach this. For context, we are entering fundraising mode for Fund II and capturing markups is an important element of the track record we have established. If this situation occurred in year one of deployment, marking the deal at cost would be fine. And that may be the right thing to do in the end. But given that the company has made material revenue traction sufficient to attract several million in additional capital investment, it seems worthwhile to take a minute to understand the implications of what amounts to two "priced rounds" from token-based investors. 

Top answer:

TL'DR - leave your valuation policy in-tact and manage these LP communications at the newsletter/report summary level rather then at the financial level. Each quarterly/yearly report where you include financial statements should be accom...


Valuation increase after PoC

Hi, is is possible to quantify the average valuation increase of a seed-stage company after performing successful PoC?

Top answer:

Valuation increases are determined by the fund's valuation policy. In venture capital, the valuation of the company is typically set by priced equity round. Other inputs don't factor in unless the fund is writing down a company. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

What is the difference between underrepresented and overlooked founders?

Top answer:

Underrepresented represents the demographics of the founder (gender, ethnicity, economic background, underserved region for example.) Overlooked relates more to some investors' bias or the founder's lack of access or influence. This cou...

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Which fund metrics are essential to fund performance reporting?

Top answer:

Fund operations providers such as Decile Partners generate full financials for Limited Partners including: • Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Investors' Capital • Income Statement  • Schedule of Investments • Statement of Changes in...


Should I mention my accelerator program in my thesis?

We run a co-founder matching program which is one of our main sources of dealflow. Should I find a way to insert it in my thesis? 

Top answer:

If your fund is optimized to fund companies from your accelerator, then it could make sense to make it the focal point of your thesis. If you do mention the accelerator, provide metrics for how succesful alumni have become. This way LPs ...


How do I set my target fund size?

Top answer:

The target fund size should be thought of as the minimal viable fund size to operate. Most new and emerging mangers set fund size targets that are too large, resulting in them under-subscribing and ensuring an extremely difficult time ra...


Have you found any helpful resources to model your fund performance?

I have been using Taylor Davidson's templates but wondering if there are any resources or approaches you all have used.

Top answer:

You can find more resources at this on the Foresight website here:

 -  Mike Suprovici

Can I setup DecileHub stages so that I can choose the next stage?

For example, a prospect may be willing to sign a PACT, might request more materials, or not respond. Each of these outcomes should lead to a different stage. I know we can manually set stages; the value of this feature is to constrain the choices available at each point. Is there any way to offer more than one button for the "Move to Stage" functionality? Ideally, it would be great to have some time-based automations. E.g., a timeout that moves a prospect to "Unresponsive" after repeated contacts.