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Does investing via a SAFE mean that the investment won't have a set valuation until a priced round?

On top of that, let's assume an investment in the seed round is made via SAFE and the share price at that stage is $0.15. In the Seed round, a priced investment comes in and the new share price is $3. In this case, is the investment from the Seed round going to get the value of the $0.15 or of the $3?

Top answer:

Yes, investing via a SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) means that the investment won't have a set valuation until a future priced round - there is also no share price set during a seed round comprised of SAFEs.  The valuation (a...


What is an acceptable equity ask by investors from portfolio companies?

Top answer:

What an investor can ask in terms of a percentage of equity or an investment amount depends nearly entirely on variables, so it is impossible to generalize. Some factors to consider for startup: • Geography (US, LatAm, etc.) • Market (B...


In what scenarios might an LP "pre-pay" a capital commitment to a Fund?

Question reformulated for clarity, but of course let us know if it does not address the original question. 

Top answer:

Funds generally call capital from limited partners (LPs) in several tranches in order to optimize fundraising - it's simply easier if upon admittance to the Fund, an LP only has to wire say, 20% of its full capital commitment rather than...


How should a portfolio company's valuation be updated when there there is a discount in the deal terms?

Question reformulated for clarity, but of course let us know if it does not address the original question. 

Top answer:

Generally speaking, if contemplating SAFEs, convertible notes, or other types of convertible instruments which feature a discount, the discount does not factor into the portfolio company's valuation. These are typically held at cost (wha...


How can an investor know if a startup issues a SAFE to another investor with a different valuation? How can the investor be aware of it or track it?

Question reformulated for clarity, but of course let us know if it does not address the original question. 

Top answer:

We recommend the investor add a Follow-On Investment Information Rights side letter to the SAFE. This would be something like:  While the Investor’s Safe remains in force, the Investor shall have the right to receive copies of subsequent...


What is the purpose of the back office?

Top answer:

A fund back office normally includes multiple functions, including legal, accounting, tax, and audit. Normally, these functions are provided by multiple external vendors. There is also a set of software offerings used by funds, commonly ...


What is the optimal term of the seed fund? Like 10years? What if our LPs asks for shorter term?

Top answer:

Should LPs ask for a shorter term for a venture capital fund than 10 years, it may be an indication that the LPs do not understand the asset class and are not aligned with the fund and its managers. Proceed with caution - further discuss...


What slides are needed in a fund presentation?

Top answer:

Below is a list of the different slides needed in a standard fund presentation. We recommend that you follow the guidelines exactly to build the early versions of the deck, then refine the presentation with feedback from pitching LPs. N...


What are the differences between using SAFE in the UK and the US?

I believe they are often called ASAs (Advance Subscription Agreements) in the UK. Are there any fundamental differences in how they work in the UK and US?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, an Advanced Subscription Agreement (commonly known as an ASA and designed for use in the United Kingdom), is conceptually similar to a SAFE (originally designed for use within the United States).  However, there are ...


What is the data security policy/strategy of Decile Hub to ensure users' data is kept safely?

I am going to add sensitive confidential data to Decile Hub. How can I be sure it will be not accessible for third parties through a leakage on the Decile Hub end? Does the Decile Hub system pass any cybersecurity checks and audits? Is there any certification?

Top answer:

Please refer to the the Decile Hub Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for more details. Perhaps more importantly however, the Decile Group organization abides by the principles of the Mensarius Oath and we take this responsibility very seri...


Does decile hub automatically update valuation information across different funds on the platform that are invested in the same company?

Does Decile Hub automatically update valuations across funds invested in the same company? Ie: if fund A using Decile Hub as an admin platform updates the valuation of company A to X, will Decile Hub prompt fund B to update company A's valuation to X or, perhaps, automatically update the valuation?  If it would it be a bad idea to standardize the valuation of a company across investors on the platform, why?

Top answer:

Not yet. There are several privacy, ethical and business issues with this approach that would need to resolved before rolling a feature like this out. For example, the portfolio company many not want this to occur because they typically ...


Can my fund invest in a company that I angel invested in?

Top answer:

A fund typically requires approval from the Limited Partner Advisory Committee (LPAC) to proceed with a follow-on investment into a portfolio that was an angel investment of the general partner because it's a conflict of interest. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

GP carry raise: How can one perform valuation of a percentage of GP carry prior to fund closure or returns from fund (when DCF can be applied)?

An LP has already signed my LPA and is bringing others into my fund as investors. He shared that a condition of bringing others is that I be full-time over the fund since this is the only way one can really run a successful venture. I agree, however I require more than my management fee provides for living expenses since Fund 1 is small. Even if I oversubscribe, it wont get us to the amount I need. My question: Investor is willing to provide me cash now for a percentage of carry as a one time payment to help support my transition to VC full time. He suggested I valuate a percentage with rationale and he will help me raise the capital  for the GP carry (NOTE: this is not Management Company carry, ONLY fund 1 GP carry and has been clarified with investor. Greatly appreciate guidance on how to valuate this.

Top answer:

Do not form your fund and send LPAs to limited partners prior to you having at least $1m in PACTs signed or 10% of the fund, whichever is greater. This is a major mistake with dire consequences.  Also, please note that the arrangement th...


Creating a capital call

Hey all,  How to create a capital call, when I do not see it in the top menu of the capital accounts? Thank you all!

Top answer:

The fund admin functionality which includes the capital call tool is currently only available for Decile Partners firms. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

I started negotiations with Swiss-Asia in Singapore to set up a VCC structure there, with Swiss-Asia serving as the licensed fund manager -VCFM (a Singaporean law requirement). However, no cooperation has been agreed upon yet, and no documents have been signed. Is pausing those conversations for the program duration recommended, or do you see no interference?

Top answer:

Yes - you should pause conversations until your figure out where you will domicile together with LPs. Please note that the Singaporean domicile and licensing process can take 1 year or more. Unless you are based in Singapore, we recommen...


Are there any legal considerations/risks a VC fund should be aware of when startup portcos issue unregistered securities to them?

Top answer:

By law, all offers and sales of securities within the United States must be either: • registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC); or • issued relying on an available exemption from such registration. Generally spea...