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with tagfund economics

Can a sample spreadsheet be produced for fund expenses paid yearly or over the term of the fund?

Following the table here: What are typical caps and best practices (which are limited and unlimited?) and for different size funds. Also a bit confusing that something like Travel & entertainment is a fund expense but paid for by the manager (I get it, and wouldn't if it was a fund expense it would be paid for by the fund?) - can you explain? Thanks!

Top answer:

The table in this blog post is a good start: There are no best practices here. Every fund is different. For example, a Deep Tech fund many need to spend a lo...


For investment volume.. I've planned 40 investments at 100,000 each for a $5 MM fund ($1 MM for management fees over 10 years). I'm not sure what the thinking is for this. Can I have clarity on what is recommended or what my thinking should be?

(also for our team that's 8 people on boards - 5 each)

Top answer:

The estimate of doing 40 $100K deals with a $5 MM fund is a dispersed strategy. You will not sit on Boards with $100K investments. Your capital deployment strategy is dependent on your fund strategy. If you want to get a lot of shots of ...


How exactly is management fee taken from fund?

Let's say we do 4 capital calls over 2 years, and the management fee structure is 3% for first five and then 1% for next five. SO once an LP has transferred money into the account during the initial two years -- part of that capital is left there to later pay management fee as per schedule?

Top answer:

Correct - if you call 100% of their commitment over the 1st two years, then you would have money sitting in the fund's bank account for future management fee payments.

 -  Rob Del Prete 1

do i need to do the financial modelling? and does decile hub provide that? what software to use or excel?

and at which point in the program do i do this?

Top answer:

This will be covered in the second half of the VC Lab program and we'll provide all the templates etc...

 -  Mike Suprovici