Does it cost money to transfer an Angel deal into the fund's deal warehouse, either on the part of the startup or the fund? If so, what is the ballpark magnitude of the cost to transfer it?
I've read that one can transfer/warehouse angel investments but not SPVs. I made some angel investments directly from my personal account and also from a limited company that I have, any concerns about transfering them from my company? I got a few deals that I am looking into and got some angels who join me on SPV and give me carry. Should I do my investment directly so I can warehouse it and do the SPV for the other angels?
There are many questions surrounding these, but what are warehoused investments specifically? What is the definition?
Since at this stage, legal hasn't been engaged, the management company and the fund have not been established. What format of names should be used in the PACT for the management company and fund? What if the domicile hasn't been decided. Might be US, might be Israel. How do we appropriately amend the PACT where the inserts [ ] are to make sure it is all encompassing?
Are there any repercussions in approaching LPs (who invest in many other funds ) with whom relationships were developed while working at a prior fund?
Specifically for showing return expectations per individual startup.
Good evening VC Lab team! The GPs of Plaintext have made recent angel investments that are in the $10-25k range each. We're hoping to raise a $10m fund so these would typically be too small given we plan on making 30-40 investments. Nonetheless, can/should we use them to fund our 1% GP commitment or as warehouse deals? Thank you, Fran
what is a normal process that LPs do due diligence before they commit?
I invested in a company as a fund employee (SAFT investment) deploying fund capital, but was also given an opportunity to invest my personal capital directly into the company's SAFT offering. Do I need to ask for permission from my prior fund to use my investment portion in the company to warehouse the deal? I think, not, b/c the purchase agreement is between me and the company, but would like to confirm.
Coming out of a CVC that invested on a balance sheet basis not a fund basis, what is a good example on getting an attribution letter? Some options I was thinking: • Letter stating that the investments on my deal sheet were led and executed by me • I have some news clips that quote me on some of the investments
Which track record metrics being reported to LPs would require attribution letter and which metrics do not?
What should the succession term in the LPA read, be stated?
If I can't use the entire fund's IRR without the attribution letter to highlight my investment track record, what can I use to demonstrate metrics, secret sauce, etc.?
Are MBA interns at venture capital funds typically compensated or do they volunteer their time?
Is the management fee based strictly on the commit amounts, or does it need to factor in reductions in the amount under management resulting from payouts of management fees?