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Strategic Portfolio Management in Venture Capital

How do venture capital firms strategically balance their investment portfolios to mitigate risk and maximize returns, while considering factors beyond financial performance, such as social impact and environmental sustainability?

Top answer:

Venture Capital is a RISK asset class and a very optimistic style of investing. The objective of venture capitalists is to fund category defining startups with the potential to return the entire fund or more given that on average the maj...


What is the best economic strategy for funds focusing on one sector?

I am particularly interested in healthcare, medtech and biotech startups in developing countries but I struggle to understand how specialized funds can minimize the risk of industry exposure. As an example, here in Brazil, the private healthcare system is at a record low, which in turn makes the entire industry struggle financially. How to minimize the risk on an industry performing bad when you are not diversifying sectors?

Top answer:

Venture Capital is a RISK asset class and a very optimistic style of investing. The objective of venture capitalists is to fund category defining startups, and by definition, it's really difficult to spot these companies if one is bearis...


Fund Management Fees

Fund Management Fees are typically 1% - 2% of the fund size. Are there other fee arrangements that can be used?  

Top answer:

There are other structures, but they are not commonly accepted. As a result, GPs that attempt to setup non-standard structures get significant resistance from LPs and experience severe fundraising challenges. Read this: https://govclab....


How Does a Manager Handle Disposal of Non-Liquid Assets Following Fund Completion?

What happens in the event that an investment is made in a company, but there is no liquidity event for that equity (or token) by the time the fund term has finished? Said another way, how do we manage the disposal of non-liquid assets after completion of the fund? 

Top answer:

The LPA specifies the conditions for what will take place at the end of the fund life. The options are: extend the fund life by 1 or 2 years, distribute the remaining interest to LPs, or liquidate the fund via a secondary transaction. Ty...


What are some glaring qualitative, interpersonal, or behavioural alarm bells or red flags when attempting to raise money from a limited partner?

Top answer:

Here are some potential causes of LP concerns during diligencing on GPs: • Size of fund too large for new manager • Large # of deals per person • Poor updates  • Small network • Bad references from portfolio founders  • Bad references fr...


Will the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) prohibit a venture fund from investing in critical technology areas if a majority of its Limited Partners' funding comes from foreign entities?

Top answer:

Companies in certain critical technologies or other types of industries or geographical proximity to national security matters (i.e., airports, submarine bases) may require investors to represent that the investor is not owned or control...


Fund manager base

How important is it for fund managers to be located or based in the target geography of the investments?

Top answer:

It's a major advantage for the fund manager to be located in the target geography of their portfolio because it allows for much faster response time, it enables them to win competitive investments and it allows them to develop the necess...


What are the considerations when it comes to deciding where the venture fund should domicile in?

This is specific to Europe. Which country is best to setup the fund. What key considerations exist before choosing a country of fund domicile. Taxation, access to LP's, setup costs, deals availability, conducive startup policy etc.. 

Top answer:

Europe, in general, is not a good place to setup a fund. As a result, most new managers in the region setup their funds in Delaware and you can learn more information on this topic here. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

What are some objections from LPs as an emerging manager and how to handle them

Seeking what are some typical objections LPs may ask from a First-Time / Emerging Manager and how best to answer them. Try to craft my answers to get closer to more "Yes"

Top answer:

This is an impossible question to answer because LP objections are dependent on the manager's thesis and the LP archetype. Unless 1 in 5 LPs sign a PACT, a manager's thesis needs improvement. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Impact Investing Returns

Do Impact funds generally generate lower returns than others?  What is the expectation held by Limited Partners? 

Top answer:

There are lots of funds with an Impact thesis that are over-performing while others under perform. They follow a Pareto distribution for returns just like all other funds.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Entity name registration

While we are raising funds, is there a bare minimum cost way to register an LLC to "hold" the entity name?

Top answer:

No - generally speaking, a fund manager should not register any entities until ready to start closing the Fund. Entities set up asynchronously with the complete fund structure will at minimum require additional diligence/paperwork, and i...


Relevancy of the location/domicile for a VC fund

How relevant is the domicile when building a Vc fund? Are there countries to avoid? Where will the domicile impact?

Top answer:

The Domicile of the fund is absolutely critical. It affects a number of factors such as operational costs, tax, investments, limited partners etc.. Read the following articles: Domicile Report


Is it good practice to allow investment targets to place documents into a data room on Decile Hub in orde r for us to complete our due diligence? In other words Decile Hub becomes the secure data room for the investment target we are considering

Top answer:

A common approach is for you to request the data room from the company and do your diligence from their systems. Another approach is to customize your Investment Inquiries form. It allows for document uploads etc..

 -  Mike Suprovici

[Partner] How should one think about the tradeoffs between General Partner vs. Venture Partner vs. Operating Partner (non-investing)?

Given how venture funds might be transforming and operationalizing, how do you think about the key tradeoffs of deciding to orient your career towards one of the following paths: 1. General Partner at VC Firm 2. Venture Partner (potentially across multiple VC Firms) 3. Operating Partner / COO at a VC Firm Are there rapid ways to perform skills self-assessments so that I can understand the option space and what paths might be a great fit / have the most interesting opportunities? Thanks so much!

Top answer:

Read this article: 1. It's VERY difficult to become a GP in a fund, even for those who are experienced investors. It's typically easier to start a Firm then to join one at as a GP wh...


How do Venture Capitalists Support Portfolio Companies Beyond Financial Investment

In Hollywood, I've always seen famous shows like Silicon Valley which highlighted not only the initial financial investment into a promising startup but also showed how they helped guide them to a major milestone. I was wondering how much of this guiding do Venture Capital firms actually do? 

Top answer:

Venture capitalists add value to startups in multiple ways beyond just providing capital. They offer strategic guidance, share industry expertise, and leverage their networks to help startups forge new partnerships and identify potential...


What is the difference between an LP and GP?

Top answer:

General Partner (GP): In the context of venture capital funds, the general partner is the fund manager responsible for making investment decisions, managing portfolio companies, and overseeing the fund’s operations. GPs typically receive...


What percentage of VCs were once startup founders?

I'd like to see how many investors have been founders themselves and/or worked at a startup before. Are they better at investing?

Top answer:

30% of new managers are former Founders or CEOs according to VC Lab's most recent report. You can find more information here:

 -  Mike Suprovici

Fund Name Validation

My fund name is a combination of two words that are common terms in the sector. There are funds that have only one or the other word in their names, but not in combination. The corp name, the domain, trademark for my chosen combination are all available. Can I still be sued? 

Top answer:

You can get sued for anything, especially if you reside in a litigious country or domicile. Typically, it's best to try to avoid combinations if the names are very common because other parties may raise trademark concerns.

 -  Mike Suprovici