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What is an American distribution waterfall

What is an American distribution waterfall

Top answer:

The distribution waterfall is a methodology for splitting distributions between the GP entity and Limited Partners. Typically, the GP takes 20% carried interest on profits. The distribution waterfall outlines how and when this carried in...


What is a Schedule K-1

What is a Schedule K-1

Top answer:

Part of 1065 filing. Partner specific form which details distributive share of all income and expense items incurred by the partnership.


What is Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) (Section 1202)

What is Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) (Section 1202)

Top answer:

A specific US federal tax exemption that allows investors in Qualified Small Business (defined as under $50M capitalization) for some capital gains tax exemption (up to 100%) based on how long the stock is held (minimum 5 years) up to $1...


What is a 506(b) or 506(c) Exemption

What is a 506(b) or 506(c) Exemption

Top answer:

Under U.S. securities laws, the sale of securities, including fund interests, require either registration with the S.E.C. which is expensive and time consuming, or such sale must be exempt from registration under the rules.  Regulation D...


What is Convertible Preferred Stock

What is Convertible Preferred Stock

Top answer:

A preferred stock that may be converted into common stock or another class of preferred stock, either voluntarily or mandatory at an agreed conversion ratio.  Other provisions may include dividends, liquidation preferences, voting or man...


What is a Convertible Note

What is a Convertible Note

Top answer:

An investment vehicle - a loan (at some nominal interest rate, but required) that converts into stock in the company when the company does the next Priced Round. This is done to: 1) avoid the legal overhead of a Priced Round and 2) avoid...


What is a SAFE Note (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)

What is a SAFE Note (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)

Top answer:

The SAFE Note is a  Simple Agreement for Future Equity - a legal document template facilitating streamlined investments in early-stage companies, reducing the need for legal process and expense. Current templates are maintained by YCombi...


What is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

What is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

Top answer:

In startup investing, an SPV is a legal entity (usually an LLC) used to roll up smaller investments from multiple investors into a single investment, to provide access to a deal with a larger minimum investment. The person or entity mana...


What is a Roll-Up Vehicle (RUV)

What is a Roll-Up Vehicle (RUV)

Top answer:

A company or investment fund that acquires and consolidates multiple smaller companies in a particular industry or sector. The goal of a roll-up vehicle is to create a larger and more diversified company with economies of scale, which ca...


What is Pari Passu

What is Pari Passu

Top answer:

"Pari passu" translates to "equal footing" or "on an equal basis."  In the investment context, it refers to situations where all investors have equal rights and privileges with respect to the assets and earnings of the company.


What is a Pro Rata

What is a Pro Rata

Top answer:

Pro-rata rights give an investor in a company the right to participate in a subsequent round of funding to maintain their level of percentage ownership in the company.


What is a Pro Forma

What is a Pro Forma

Top answer:

Financial projections of a company's future performance. These projections are typically used to model different scenarios and assumptions, to estimate the future revenue, expenses, and profitability of a company and evaluate the potenti...


What is a Priced Round

What is a Priced Round

Top answer:

A priced round refers to a type of funding round where a startup company raises capital from external investors by selling ownership stakes (equity) in the company at a predetermined valuation. A priced round is commonly used in later st...


What is Venture Debt

What is Venture Debt

Top answer:

A type of loan offered by banks and nonbank lenders that is designed specifically for early-stage companies with venture capital backing.


What is a Lead

What is a Lead

Top answer:

The investor who sets deal terms (which may include legal aspects) performs due diligence, organizes other investors. Best practice is for a lead to create a deal memo summarizing the key investment aspects of the opportunity. The lead u...


What is a Valuation Cap

What is a Valuation Cap

Top answer:

A valuation cap is the price ceiling at which a SAFE or convertible note will convert into equity (usually preferred stock) at a future financing round. Valuation caps are commonly used to bridge the gap between an early-stage investment...


What is a Term Sheet

What is a Term Sheet

Top answer:

An outline document defining the terms of a following legal agreement.


What is a Stage

What is a Stage

Top answer:

Refers to the maturity or development of a company. For example, a company in its early stages, such as a startup, may be considered a "seed stage" company, while a company that has grown and is approaching an initial public offering may...


What is Syndication

What is Syndication

Top answer:

Bringing together multiple investors for a collective investment. The investors may invest individually or part of an organized syndicate investment vehicle (an SPV or Single Purpose Vehicle) where the organizer or facilitator collects f...


What is a Round

What is a Round

Top answer:

A "round" refers to a specific instance of funding that a startup company raises from external investors. For example, a company may raise money in a "seed round," a "series A round," and so on. These rounds of funding represent distinct...