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What is a Fund Extension (with respect to the LPA)?

What is a Fund Extension

Top answer:

If a Fund has portfolio investments that are operating but have not exited, and the Fund Life is coming to an end,  an extension period may be needed to wait for an exit. The other option would be to distribute any privately held equity ...


What is Deployed Capital

What is Deployed Capital

Top answer:

The Fund investments - for Venture Capital funds this is equity as SAFEs, Convertible Note or Stock Purchase investments in non-public startup companies.


What is Deal Flow

What is Deal Flow

Top answer:

Describes the rate at which business proposals and investment pitches are being received by a firm.  Inbound opportunities may come from pre-existing networks or relationships, word-of-mouth within the startup community, investor referra...


What is Crowdfunding

What is Crowdfunding

Top answer:

Crowdfunding is the process of raising capital for a venture or a startup via smaller amounts from many investors (“the crowd”). The capital can be provided without the expectation of financial return, or in exchange of a specific good o...


What is the Cornerstone Agreement

What is the Cornerstone Agreement

Top answer:

A standardized Limited Partner Agreement (LPA) developed by VC Lab to enable the streamlined formation of VC Funds which reduces paperwork and legal expenses. Cornerstone V3 can be downloaded from VC Lab here.


What is Committed Capital

What is Committed Capital

Top answer:

Limited Partner (LP) commitments to invest in the fund - defined in signed Limited Partner Agreements (LPAs) and Subscription Agreements. Decile’s Cornerstone LPA template integrates a Subscription Agreement - a separate one is not requi...


What is Carried Interest

What is Carried Interest

Top answer:

The percentage of profits that will be paid to the General Partner (GP) - calculated following repayment of invested capital.


What is Capital Recycling

What is Capital Recycling

Top answer:

Capital Recycling is the process of reinvesting proceeds from the sale/exit of a portfolio company into new investments. VC Lab strongly recommends avoiding this for Fund I. 


What is Called Capital?

What is Called Capital?

Top answer:

The fund manager “calls” capital to request the Limited Partners (LPs) contribute (by wire) a portion of their Committed Capital to the fund for deployment (and for fees). Called Capital is simply the amount that has been called. 


What is a Bootstrap

What is a Bootstrap

Top answer:

Bootstrapping refers to the practice of starting and growing a business without external funding. Instead of relying on external investors, entrepreneurs use their own savings, personal funds, revenue generated by the business, and resou...


What is an Accredited Investor (US)

What is an Accredited Investor (US)

Top answer:

Under U.S. securities laws, “accredited investors” are eligible to invest in certain unregistered securities.  In order to qualify as an accredited investor, an individual or entity must meet certain criteria.  Individuals can qualify by...


What is a 409A Valuation

What is a 409A Valuation

Top answer:

Independent formal appraisal of the fair market value (FMV) of a private company’s common stock (the stock reserved mainly for founders and employees). Named after Section 409A of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, it's required by the IRS ...


Are projected returns and liquidity necessary to include in our slides?

Are projected returns and liquidity necessary to include in our slides?

Top answer:

First get the story and narrative right. Then use the projections to complement the story via your Returns and Liquidity slides.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Which Companies to Include in Investor Deck: Higher Multiple or Value Added Ones?

If we have some companies that are doing well but we are not super active while we have added much more support to other firms who are doing well but did not have the same valuation progression, is it advisable to include the higher multiple or the value added ones in our Investor Deck?

Top answer:

A higher multiple company that's on thesis will be more attractive to an LP then one without a multiple. You should show those in your Track Record slide. Then, maybe consider using another example company in your Value Add slide.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Who Commits Capital in a Fund with Algorithm-Based Investment Decisions by a Separate Company?

Who makes the capital commitment in a fund where the investment decisions are made by an algorithm owned by a separate company?

Top answer:

The Capital Commitment is normally made by the Managing Directors, who are the owners of the Management Company.

Community Member

What are the pros and cons of co-branding with an established VC firm?

What are the pros and cons of co-branding with an established VC firm?

Top answer:

If you want to be an independent fund manager and to launch an enduring venture capital firm, co-branding is a bad idea. You will be an employee of the other firm for 10+ years and you will have little control.

 -  Mike Suprovici