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what's the roles (and differences) and compensation between managing partners, general partners, principles and venture partners, associates, analysts and other junior support personnel (and any other team role I may have missed) - take for example a 5 million dollar fund and use real numbers and real % of carry

interested in how different fund structures or sizes (10M, 50M) would pay out as well. Also focused on Web3 - so roles like tokenomics is critical to have someone involved I would imagine.

Top answer:

Read this: And this: And finally, this: The comp is close to 0 for a $5m fund ...


Delaware exemptions and reporting requirement for 3(c)(1) fund advisors

I understand a 3(c)(1) Qualifying Venture Capital Fund with <$10M in assets and <250 beneficial owners is exempt from reporting and registering with the SEC. However, if the ManCo and GP/LP are all domiciled in Delaware, are there still state-level registration and reporting requirements with the Delaware Securities Division since the fund advisor (i.e. ManCo & GP) is domiciled with a place of business in Delaware? It's my understanding that Delaware only has an exemption for 3(c)(7) fund advisors, not 3(c)(1) advisors (source).

Top answer:

Generally speaking, a fund's domicile is not the same as the fund manager's (advisor's) place of business. It is very rare (I believe I have seen it once) for a fund manager to actually live/work in Delaware (thus potentially necessitati...


I live in Canada, what language for the PACT? See details for what I put.

Given I expect to be raising from LPs from Canada and USA: "The undersigned understands that the Offering is being made without registration under any securities law in any jurisdiction, including the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act USA”), as amended, or any securities law of any state of the United States. And including in Ontario, Canada, without registration under the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.S5 (the "Securities Act ON").  The Offering is being made only to accredited investors as defined in the Securities Act ON and Securities Act USA (or in the applicable jurisdiction). [[management_company]] acknowledge that different jurisdictions have differing definitions of 'accredited/sophisticated investor' and is respecting the regulated requirements in the applicable jurisdictions." Please provide feedback or approve.

Top answer:

The PACT is a non-binding agreement, and, before any entities are formed, the jurisdiction does not matter, since there is no underlying entity to bind the agreement to. In general, it can be any jurisdiction, as the agreement is non-bin...


do i need to do the financial modelling? and does decile hub provide that? what software to use or excel?

and at which point in the program do i do this?

Top answer:

This will be covered in the second half of the VC Lab program and we'll provide all the templates etc...

 -  Mike Suprovici

I want to know about the Fund location to be mentioned in the thesis because as we have started approaching potential LPs for PACTS, this is something which will be noticed and will come up for discussion. (It's not related to dealing with lawyers and other related aspects at this stage). Just need to know that if establishing a Fund being based in Milan or some other not so VC friendly(as compared to Delaware) would put us at a disadvantage?

- I'm the solo GP of my Fund and based in Milan. - My Fund will be focusing on European firms as the concerned deal flow. - Most of my LPs are going to be from Europe and US.

Top answer:

In your thesis statement you should say where you're located. In your case, you can say that you're in Milan or in Italy. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Given the opportunity to make a pre-seed investment in common versus preferred shares, should the default be to buy the preferred shares

Top answer:

As a VC, you must get preferred shares. This is sort of non-negotiable. Common is significantly less valuable because it has no preference. Unless the founder will do all future financings via common, which is highly unlikely and creates...


When comparing terms in common share agreement versus preferred shares agreements what should I watch for to ensure preferred shares are not offering far better terms than common shares

We are doing due diligence on one of our investment targets, and I am comparing terms in the shareholder agreements for common and preferred shares. Recognizing that the preferred shares will have some advantages over common shares, what terms should I watch for that would be considered unreasonable treatment of common shareholders?      

Top answer:

Venture Investors typically take preferred positions in portfolio companies. The early stage investment agreements are fairly standardized. For a review of a standard preferred offering, review the Series Seed documents below: https://w...


How do we send communication to just our team?

Top answer:

HI Revi, thanks for reaching out. There are two options in Hub to email a group of people: -1. In the respective pipeline where your team members are housed click on "Send email" for a prospect that is one of your teammates, then clic...


Decile Hub - Deal Tracking capabilities

I asked Decile Base about the deal tracking capabilities of Decile Hub and here's the response that I got:  Decile Hub offers a comprehensive deal tracking system. It includes a CRM with pre-configured templates for closing new investments and staying in touch with your community. Deal Memos can be completed by each team member and exported in PDF. The platform also provides data rooms with granular permissions and preview capability, allowing you to see every file someone viewed and how long they viewed each page. However, the ability to track quarterly or monthly updates from startups is currently not available but is being worked on. And my question here is if someone is aware of , even more and with details, the deal tracking capabilities of Decile Hub, when will Decile Hub have the ability to track quarterly and monthly updates ?

Top answer:

As a manager, you need to reach out and secure updates from portfolio companies and prospective portfolio companies on a regular basis. Decile Hub has CRM tools to manage this easily. A release is currently being developed to automatical...


Standard Y Combinator SAFE agreement - error?

Regarding a typical Y Combinator SAFE agreement: In the event of an Equity Financing, who should be responsible for "execute and deliver all of the transactions documents related to the Equity Financing". The Investor or the Company? The current YC document put the responsibility on the SAFE Investor. But the SAFE Investor might not know the actual Terms of the Equity round agreed by the Company with the "new" Equity Investor. So it will be difficult for the SAFE Investor to provide those documents. I'm missing something here? Thanks!

Top answer:

Question: With respect to financing documents, what does an early-stage VC need to do at the time of a an Equity Financing (aka Preferred Stock Financing), if said VC invested earlier in a typical SAFE note? A standard, unaltered Y Com...


What is your advice on best practices in setting up your fund's LPAC?

Top answer:

As a general matter, here are some best practices in setting up a fund's LPAC: • Check the LPA or governing document that describes the LPAC appointment process and details the LPAC's particulars; • Ensure that LPAC members are people th...


Are there any good examples of government-backed VC's? Working on a $100m fund and would love to see how their thesis/fund is presented, where fund-raising is not the challenge, but deal-sourcing and selection may be.

Top answer:

No. Most government backed VCs massively underperform because the government's objectives are often mis-aligned with the VC (to perform really well). Also, the government's bureaucracy and processes force the GP to dedicate an enormous a...


While prospective fund managers are fundraising (but before funds are formed and operational), how do they make arrangements with advisors, venture partners, or other similar types of personnel?

Top answer:

Fund managers can discuss future arrangements verbally - however they should refrain from making any promises or commitments (verbal, written, or otherwise). Particularly, fund managers should sign NOTHING - as a general matter, legal ...


Accelerator upfront management fee

How much is an acceptable fee (as a %) for an accelerator fund to take as an upfront fee instead of charging management fees, per year, as 2% of committed capital?

Top answer:

Typically, the fund and the accelerator are separate. The accelerator has it's own operational structure and generates revenue in a variety of ways, such as sponsorships etc... The fund is generally a classic 2 & 20 structure. The manage...


Can a venture fund invest in a company organized as an LLC

Top answer:

VCs don't invest in LLCs. LLCs are pass through vehicles and issue K1s to all members, so all gains and losses are passed through to the fund, and the fund must pass them through to every LP. In addition to the MASSIVE accounting and tax...


Can one of a Fund's limited partners also become a venture partner or other type of advisor or consultant to the Fund (via the General Partner entity)?

Top answer:

Yes - however in doing so, the limited partner will generally lose their "limited" status with respect to liability, because they may wield influence over the Fund's decision-making processes. They may become liable for any actions taken...


A potential LP is a US based C-Corp owned entirely by a Canadian Limited Partnership company. The Onboarding questionnaire has the following question: "Who owns this entity? Please confirm the full legal name, date of birth, and city and country of residence of any individual who owns 25% or more of the entity you are using to invest.". My question is the LP should just inform that the Canadian Limited Partnership is the "owner"?

My question is the LP should just inform that the Canadian Limited Partnership is the "owner"? Or goes upstream ? What to answer if no individual has more than 25% of the Canadian LP? 

Top answer:

“For the Anti Money Laundering portion of the review we are always looking for the underlying individuals. It means that if there are any entities that are owners with 25% or more interest in the LP entity, we will require the name(s) a...