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What are the particular issues to take into account when doing cross-border deals?

What are the particular issues to take into account when doing cross-border deals?

Top answer:

Your costs will be higher because you will need local counsel and probably local tax advice (in addition to counsel for your fund). Legal agreements may be differently drafted, require different procedures, etc. Your LPs may also face si...


Is there a template affirmation agreement for sharing track records with prior funds?

Is there a template affirmation agreement for sharing track records with prior funds?

Top answer:

We don’t have a template affirmation agreement. Everyone does this differently, but in general most people start with a verbal agreement first.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What is the '<|For Progress>' designation on the VC Lab website?

What is the '' designation on the VC Lab website?

Top answer:

The link that you shared describes everything about For Progress. It provides startup and investment related metrics based on the 169 official SDG sub-goals. The full set of metrics is outlined here:

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What do you think of the response from an LP who declined to participate in the fund?

What do you think of the response from an LP who declined to participate in the fund?

Top answer:

It’s just a no. I would not put too much weight on the reasoning for now. That being said, for your reference, VC is a good way for families to build inter-generational wealth.

 -  Mike Suprovici

How do GPs typically fund the setup costs before closing?

How do GPs typically fund the setup costs before closing?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, fund managers will work with their attorneys to defer costs until the fund does a first close. Then, the fund manager can use some of the management fees and sometimes the fund itself to pay for expenses. With regard...


Do LPs Typically Receive Detailed Information on Each Company Invested in a Fund for Performance Reporting?

How much information do LPs typically get about performance? Specifically do some LPs require or get detailed information about each company invested in (for instance so that they can disclose what their holdings are)? We are talking to a wealth manager for a group of HNWI and it sounds like they would need regular (annual?) updates about each company in the fund. Is that typical? If so that would probably require quite a bit of admin work on the fund side.

Top answer:

The larger the fund, the bigger the reporting requirements. Yes, it’s not uncommon for LPs to require detailed info about each company. This is typically done monthly. In addition, there are also annual reporting requirements too. In...


Can an LLC Partner with a Fund in Delaware Incorporation? Limitations and Advice?

Is it possible to incorporate the fund with companies (an LLC for example) as partners instead of individuals? Is there any limitation/ advice for that? Incorporation to be done in Delaware

Top answer:

Fund vehicles in Delaware are commonly set up as LLCs. Please do not think about set up until you have at least 10% of your fund Hard Circled. This is an absolute waste of time.

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Which Platform is the Most Cost-Efficient and LP-Friendly for Forming a Delaware Fund: AngelList, Carta, or Allocations?

Hello all Which platform is cheaper efficient and LP friendly for forming a delaware fund? I have seen AngelList Carta and Allocations but dont know which is better. Any thoughts?

Top answer:

We don’t recommend any of the above platforms. AngelList and Allocations are designed for part-time investors or amateurs and Carta has various operational issues. Please do not engage with any of them, and don’t spend any time on this r...


Should You Require a Signed PACT Before Sending a Deck, or Can Steps 2 & 3 Be Combined?

Should you send the PACT first and require it be signed before sending a deck? I know this has been answered 100 times over but I have conflicting information in my notes from different webinars we’ve seen. Is it step 1) meeting 2) get pact signed 3) send deck? Or can step 2 & 3 just be combined.

Top answer:

I recommend (1) call, (2) email follow up, (3) PACT, (4) deck and (5) meeting. This is a similar approach this is outlined in the Decile Hub stages layout.

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What are the common terms for a GP commit loan, including interest rate and payback period?

What are the typical terms (interest rate payback period) for a loan to the GP for the GP commit? I ask out of curiosity not because we are considering this for fund I

Top answer:

A fund manager taking out a loan for the GP commit is not commonly done. More commonly, the fund manager can sell a part of the GP entity for money to use for building the firm and for the GP commit. However this must be done correctly a...

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Are 30-Minute Zoom Meetings Ideal for Feedback, Investment Pitches, and LP Pitches for Startups?

Setting up the various zoom meetings. Do you recommend each of these to be 30 min? - feedback investment pitches LP pitches. Also are investment pitches for startups pitching to us? I may re-name that to be more clear.

Top answer:

30 minutes are good 1st call. Setup a professional pitch studio with great lighting and camera if you can.

 -  Mike Suprovici

What is the Recommended Generic Disclaimer Text for VC Lab Fund Presentation Slides?

Hi all - in putting our Fund Presentation slides together we are adding a Disclaimer slide - but is there a generic set of text recommended by VC Lab for a Disclaimer that we can/should use? Or do we need to get out and hunt one down?

Top answer:

“The information herein is strictly confidential and is intended for authorized recipients only. The content of this presentation is shown for information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice, or an offer or solicitatio...


Has Anyone Discussed DAF Structures with LPs for Impact-focused Funds?

Hi all! Has anyone been asked about DAF structures from LPs? For context my fund has an impact lens and I'm looking to find ways to align with LPs who are interested in that above financial returns alone.

Top answer:

Larger LPs generally do not invest in new managers, and donor-advised funds are a vehicle targeted at larger LPs.

Community Member

Is This Recommendation Suitable for All Fund Sizes or Just Small Funds Considering Power Law?

I have checked your Investment Volume and Follow-on Chart. My question is whether this recommendation is just for small funds or for any fund. It seems the only way if you have 5M€-15m€ fund and 2 GPs but in case you may raise a higher fund size and taking into account the power law couldn´t / shouldnt the # of investments be larger? for example +20 investments for series A fund. Tks

Top answer:

The recommendations taking into account fund size. We’re assuming larger fund sizes at later stages. This is just a guide and it’s ok if you deviate from it. At the Series A, the # of investments will be greatly affected by your time....


What is the Market Practice for Reporting IRR: Separate or Blended for Partial Exits from the Same Investment?

track record IRR question: I had two partial exits from one investment one in 2020 the other in 2021 should I report on IRR for each partial exit or report a blended IRR since it refers to the same portfolio company? What would be the market practice?

Top answer:

For an individual deal, you always show the blended IRR, unless the invested capital came from different sources, such as different funds.

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How Can I Convince a Potential LP That Remote Work Doesn't Hinder Networking and Success?

Just got feedback from a sophisticated potential LP who has worked in alternative assets: “Hey you’re not in SF! You need to be at the center of it all and networking with founders at parties every night!” How do I push back with my preference to be remote?

Top answer:

Build a rebuttal by saying that startups are being launched everywhere now and, a lot of alpha will be generated in the future outside of SF. There are a lot of stats that show this.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Do Global Design Partners Backing Our Fund Benefit Us? Should We Include It in Our Thesis?

Our fund is backed by our global design partners (corporates). Does that work for or against us? Should we mention it in our thesis or leave it out?

Top answer:

It doesn’t matter that much for fundraising, and, more importantly NEVER disclose who your LPs are. That being said, you will likely have some conflicts of interests that you will need to work out with these design partners.

 -  Mike Suprovici